Monday 5 September 2011

Where I Work? (Allegedly)

Here there be photos of my new office. You may note the torture chamber chair. I took these photos before I'd finished constructing my awesome new chair. Actually, I say my 'new office' but it's my old office repainted and refloored and with some new furniture.. Now I should write. Or dust things. Or just marvel at how clean the room is and swivel in my awesome new chair. Did I say it's awesome. I may reveal it to you someday. 


Deborah Walker said...

I write in bed. It's cozy.

Josh Reynolds said...

Looks better than my office. Sucker looks all feng shui and such...

Mark West said...

Very nice. Have you been cloned?

Mark West said...

I love the reference photo's, by the way, what a great idea (I never print mine off, normally)

Angela said...

Not only clean but organized too... I must do some major filing before I take any pics of my space...

Simon said...

Very nice. I won't post photos of my workspace, though... folk would die screaming in ultimate horror.

K.C. Shaw said...

Oh, wow, that looks fantastic! I am sure you will perpetrate wonderful fiction in that office.

Mihai A. said...

Nice! But it would be interesting to see the view from the outside window. That might prove to become a distraction from time to time ;)

Aaron Polson said...

Lovely. I'd love to have so much natural light in my writing space. (Jealous...? Me?)

Cate Gardner said...

I couldn't write in bed, Deborah. I'd think I was ill.

It faces a loo. Does that help, Joshua?

Cloned??? I hope not, Mark. One of me is enough.

You should see inside the cupboards, Angela

:( Simon. Spoilsport.

Of course, Kate. Or win some excellent games...

Thankfully my room looks out at a brick wall, Mihai

I suspect you're in the basement, Aaron.

Damien Walters said...

It looks wonderful, Cate!

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Damien

Anthony Rapino said...

Looks great! I think if I had a new office I might write more. And better. Yeah..that's it! I need a new office too. :-D

Cate Gardner said...

I thought that too. Turns out, I'm not. :(

Wendy Withers said...

I am marveling at how clean your office is. My office has a clean spot.

Danielle Birch said...

Looks great! I'm fond of cork boards too :)

Ray Cluley said...

Enlarging the first photo reveals a man in a top hat and dark clothes peering in the window, dirty hands cupped around his face. He appears to be smiling, but might not be...

Aaron Polson said...

Always in the basement, Cate. Always. Is the world trying to tell me something?

Cate Gardner said...

Until last week, my office didn't even have a clean spot, Wendy ;)

One of these days my entire wall will be full of cork boards, Danielle

I suspected as much, Ray.

That it wants more basement stories, Aaron.

Simon Kewin said...

Awesome indeed. Envious. My "office" kind of doubles as a family play room, which is less than ideal at times.

Cate Gardner said...

Simon, how do you get anything done?