Saturday 24 October 2009

Steampunkish Stuff from Steampunkish Times

A dual purpose post covering my NaNo Steampunk Research and Cate's Cheerless Crypt, though I'm sure you'll all agree there's nothing cheerless about these little gems - a collection of Villemard postcards from 1910 depicting how life would be in the year 2000 - if only.

*No eagle eyed viewers this weekend, this post was scheduled to go live on November 6th, but blogger obviously couldn't wait and posted it today.


Tuonela said...

Not sure that uni-paddlewheel thingy is very well thought through...

Do you know this blog?

Alan W. Davidson said...

Fantastic visions of the future, Cate. It's funny how they didn't figure that their fashions would change in the future.

Rebecca Nazar said...

Like Alan I noticed the unchanged clothes too, hysterical. Oh yes, I want to wear a corset and give up my sweatpants.

My favorite, walking on water balloons.

Jamie Eyberg said...

I just want to say that I want socks like the guy on the paddlewheel. Those are Kewl!

Anonymous said...

i like the flying ones. i need wings.

Laura Eno said...

Love those! Like others, I found the unchanged clothing hysterical.

Cate Gardner said...

Ian, I discovered paleofuture this morning and intend to devour it in November.

Alan, pretty much like the new show 'Defying Gravity', they're all dressed circa 2009.

Rebecca, I so want those balloons. Especially as my office is located between a river and a dock. I could take short cuts.

Jamie, snort.

Samantha, me too. :D

Laura :D

Did anyone notice the post is dated November 6th... Darn, Blogger.

Katey said...

Oh my god, I want to print those out and put them on my wall. GORGEOUS! <3

Cate Gardner said...

I was hoping to buy them in postcard or book form, but they don't seem to be available. Maybe, I need to fly to France and visit the museum.

K.C. Shaw said...

Those are fascinating! I love how they're all dressed in old-timey clothes and that there are still horse-drawn carriages and things like that. That vision of the future seems awfully, well, past-y. :)

If the artist could have had one glimpse into the real future, his head would probably have exploded.

Fox Lee said...

So I take it fashion was to remain static?

Cate Gardner said...

Kate, his future was so much prettier.

Natalie, of course. There was no way women would want to give up their corsets.

John Pender said...

The one with the train pulling a city block is pretty much true.

Aaron Polson said...

Imagine...some day I can have my own personal hot air balloon. Then I can walk on water.

Danielle Birch said...

Gorgeous postcards.

Rabid Fox said...

Those are fantastic. I saw those pics a month or so ago, and I'm still not tired of looking at them.