So, I believe I said that I wouldn't be doing NaNoWriMo this year, and that for the most part remains true. I'm roaring towards the end of Theatre but we won't arrive at the magical words (you know what they are) until the days left until November are none. However, I will be participating in NaNo in my own rebellious way. I believe there are a few other rebels out there - shakes her pom poms at them.
I'm hoping to spend about an hour a day in November working on Grim Glass Vein, being away from the book means it's lost a little of its spark but hopefully good old Bonfire Night will reignite the fire. Shakes head in disbelief at that last line - feel free to leave the blog now. But for the most part November will be about worldbuilding. I had an idea for a most wonderful character a couple of weeks ago and she won't leave me alone. Victoria (name subject to change) wants to live in a steampunkish world only the writer doesn't know much about steampunk and the world so far consists of a pair of stockings, some insects and a tower. November shall be devoted to building said world and to deciding whether to use it to weave some short stories from in 2010 or to mark it down as my next novel project.
So what else will I be doing in November. Cheerleading of course. Hence the above sporty picture. Any November blog posts will have a special Cate's Cheerless Crypt with a selection of prompt words, pictures and other nonsense that might help you move that little old plot along if you be stuck.
Knowing that Cate (the Rebel) will be cheering us along makes me feel better already :)
I will happily accept a cheerleader, especially one who talks of crypts. :)
Awesome. I joined a NaNo group specifically to cheer. Because I am not crazy enough to attempt it this year.
Correction: I am crazy enough. But I'm still not doing it.
LOL ... " the world so far consists of a pair of stockings, some insects and a tower. " ... How much more do you need in a world?
Thanks for the encouragement. I'll need it next month. :P
I'm all over the cheerleading with you. Go Cate! (even the cheerleaders need cheerleaders)
Alan, I'm so loud, you'll probably hear me all the way over in Canada.
Laura, :D
Carrie, we have to be involved some way. ;)
Diana, true.
Jamie, I'm envious. I so wish I was playing along proper.
Aaron, I hope your pom poms are sparkly.
Have you been reading the Tor.com website this month? October is steampunk month there, so you might be able to find a lot of good resources. The new story sounds fascinating!
Cheerleading cheerleading rah rah rah!
ahhh! nano is coming....
thanks ahead for the cheering :^)
I'll be cheerleading NaNo this year, too, but I, for one, refuse to shave my legs. I'm trying to think of words that rhyme with Sasquatch.
Oh gosh, yes. Cheer. You know know whatever strange prompts you post will somehow make their way into our novels. So please, be kind. ;)
That sounds like great fun-- I'll be there waving my pom poms beside you, then!
Every time I read about/see someone called Victoria I start singing the Kinks song. That's not a bad thing, as I love the Kinks beyond pretty much any other band ever.
Not a very steampunky song, though. I'll work on that.
Suuure it's not you. Nudge nudge, wink wink ; )
Kate, I've seen links on twitter but haven't checked any out yet. I'm trying to hold off until November.
Samantha, ra ra. :D
Jeremy, you are wearing the skirt though? :D
Mercedes, gathers some rubber chickens, a few pipe cleaners and dancing elephant.
Katey, we'll have a whole cheerleading squad soon. I'm better at the bottom though.
Natalie, it's my waist. Honest.
Thanks for the cheers and good luck with your new character - I love meeting new characters.
I'm calling myself a Nano "non-participatory-participant". I love the write-ins, I hang out on the forums, and I've already been to a kick-off party -- but I'll be editing all November.
Guess that makes me a cheerleader too.
I've thought about participating, but November is too busy a month for me.
Well, Cate, this will be my first Nano and I'm pretty excited. I thought I'd never participate, but here I am. :-D
Danielle, me too.
Ray, I think it's a need not to be left out. :D
John, I wish that was my excuse.
Tyhitia, I'll friend you over there. I want to see how everyone is getting along. Where's my whip? :D
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