Wednesday 6 October 2010

Works (Once) in Progress Wednesday

Hadley Rille Books are five years old and to celebrate they're hosting a contest and you could win an Amazon Kindle 3G. All you have to do is sign up for their newsletter. Plus if you buy any of their books direct from the publisher between now and December you get an extra entry for each book.

I just picked up 'Sweet Potato Pie and Other Surrealities' by Lawrence M. Shoen via Amazon - I know, I know, I lost out on my entry, but I don't suppose a future Hadley Rille author (that's me - yay) can or possibly should enter to win the Kindle. Oh, and I'm sure you'll agree that not many covers outclass Camille Alexa's 'Push of the Sky'.

And Hadley Rille are not the only independent publishers offering amazing deals at the moment. Morrigan Books are hosting a variety of sales this month - the current is for Dead Souls. I may already have that on my shelf. Ahem! And check out PS Publishing's FantasyCon releases sale - fantastic. Erm, I maybe have a story in that little lot. I've ordered myself Rio Youer's End Times, Gary Fry's The House of Canted Steps, Catastrophia, and The Company He Keeps (an extra copy for me to lick).

I fear my collection of wallet moths are going to starve.


Unknown said...

Pimp that, Cate. :)

Cate Gardner said...

I feel like I should be standing on a street corner... Selling books of course.

Aaron Polson said...

October must be official small press sale month. Goodness.

K.C. Shaw said...

Yay for small presses! There's lots of good stuff out there (and Hadley Rille is one of my favorites--I love their covers).

Milo James Fowler said...

Thanks for the heads-up about these presses; never heard of them. I am learning much, padawan that I am...

Cate Gardner said...

It is bizarre that they're all announced at once.

They do, Kate.

Wash you mouth out with soap, Milo. :D

Katey said...

Oh, my aching wallet! :D