Wednesday 14 July 2010

WIP Wednesday: It's the 1920s in my Head

Thanks to a thunderstorm - I swear, I haven't seen rain like that all year - I've just finished the first draft of a Fantastical Fifty story - And the bride wore ashes. I'm going to start another draft later this evening and when that's done, I'll let it stew for a few weeks. Looks like my fifty first sentences experiment is a win--even if I only end up with two stories from it. But of course, I want more. *Stomps feet* (Finished first story at the weekend - Kodak Dragons and had to send it out after only a little sleep because a deadline was looming -  looks over shoulder and hopes editor isn't reading).

Fantastical Fifty first line: Maud pulled a snow globe out of the dead man’s suitcase and shook it.
Acutal (first draft) first line: The snow globe offered a flurry of ashes.
Resemblance to original idea: 10%*

Current Word Count: 2,374 words
Things Found Here: Empty graves, a wedding dress made of moths, a Buster Keaton lookalike groom and a church made of ice lolly sticks.

I'm also compiling ideas etc for my next book. I have my title - and I love, love, love it - but I'm not revealing it yet because its brilliance will blind you...

*Percentage figures are not acurate, get over it.


Anthony Rapino said...

Awesome, awesome. Do you always come up with the title first?

I'm about 6,500 words into my new novel and have yet to give it a title. :-(

Cate Gardner said...

I always have a working title even if it's something naff. This one is of course brilliant (until I get fed up with it).

Barry Napier said...

Congrats on the finalization of the draft!

My new WIP also has what I think is a great tile but I am not going to start talking about it just yet, lest I jinx it.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Barry. Wouldn't it be odd if we had the same title? Bagsy it.

Rich said...

No copyright on titles...

Anyway, I read about your plan with this fantastical fifty and I've been trying to come up with first lines here and there.

I have four...

Fox Lee said...

Coming up with a great title is always special : ) My favorite is still "RELENTLESS SODOMY: The Musical." Hurray for buns!

Danielle Birch said...

I love hearing about the process of a story. And I love the title.

Andrea Allison said...

Gold stars for you! I try to come up with a working title first but sometimes fall short of that.

Jamie Eyberg said...

Anything with Buster Keaton in it has got to be special.

Cate Gardner said...

Rich, just don't use 'Wuthering Heights', I hear Miss Bronte rises from her grave if you do. Actually...on second thoughts.

Natalie, that is an inspired title.

Thanks, Danielle.

Thanks, Andrea.

I agree, Jamie.

Katey said...

Oooh now I adore the "things found here" objects. Sounds delectable-- and just because it's what I've come to expect from you doesn't mean I'll take it for granted.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Katey

K.C. Shaw said...

That sounds so cool! And I like your comment on the percentages. :)

"Things Found Here" is actually a pretty good title on its own, I think. (Says the person who comes up with the world's worst titles half the time. I mean, I wrote a story once titled "Bird." It did not have a bird in it.)

Kara McElhinny said...

Great lines Cate!! Thanks for sharing! Storms are always wicked, did this one inspire or just give you some time to write?

Sorry I haven't been here for a squinch. I'm trying to catch up!!

Happy writing

Cate Gardner said...

Kate, that last comment made me snort. :D

Thanks, Kara.