Sunday 18 July 2010

Weird Fiction

I'm working on something. I should be working on something else or on another something else, but I'm not. I'm working on this something. And that's what I'll be doing today and tomorrow and, I guess, we'll see. You could say I've resurrected something--although it's more to do with feet than brains.

Talking of resurrected things. The wonderful Arkham Tales--the magazine that refused to die--has just released issue seven. It features fiction from Aaron Polson, Leah Clarke and Robert Masterson, amongst others. And it's only $1.99.


Alan W. Davidson said...

Arkham Tales is very wise to take on Mr. Polson....

...Methinks I should be working on something too. Damn blogging!

Jamie Eyberg said...

I know I should be working on something as well, I am just a little confused as to what is at the moment.

Rebecca Nazar said...

I'm too busy cleaning to do something else. That's the weekend for you--ack!

Arkham has the best covers and content.

Katey said...

Oooh mysterious!

I'm so glad Arkham is back :D

Cate Gardner said...

Very wise indeed, Alan

Jamie, at the end of a long day, I'm feeling like that.

Rebecca, what's cleaning?

Me too, Katey

K.C. Shaw said...

I've opened up a document to work on, does that count as writing?

I'm glad Arkham Tales is still around! Too many magazines have disappeared lately.

Fox Lee said...

Love the cover : )

Barry Napier said...

That Aaron Polson seems to get around, huh?...

Cate Gardner said...

Kate, in my world - yes.

Nat, me too.

Barry, he really does.

Anthony Rapino said...

Nice. I actually just submitted something to them. $1.99 sure is a good price.

Aaron Polson said...

Hey. That's me.

(Wait...what did Barry say?)

Cate Gardner said...

I don't know how you wandered onto my blog. It's not as if I'm your fan club president or anything.