Wednesday 17 September 2008

Oscar Time

YAY! What a way to start the day. I have been awarded three 'I love your blog' awards.

Natalie L. Sin loves my blog.

J.C. Tabler loves my blog.

Jeremy Kelly loves my blog.

And because of the gruesome threesome above I now have the pleasure of bestowing the award on several other blogs that are almost as wonderful as mine... err I mean, are far more wonderful than mine. Sorry, awards go to my head.*

* Especially of the cup variety which can also double as hats.

Here are the rules...

1) Add the logo of your award to your blog.

2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you.

3) Nominate at least seven other blogs.

4) Add links to those blogs on your blogs.

5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.

So here's my pick of the best blogs in the blogosphere:

Barry Napier, author of Blood Routes an online novel that should really win him two 'I love your blog' awards as it is done in blog format - but that would be cheating. :)

Erik Smetana, a very generous and informative writer who not only took time out of his busy schedule to design the above Poisoned Apple banner for me, but also accepted one of my stories for his golfing magazine, Stymie, despite the fact I know nothing about golf.

Felicity Dowker, this Australian lass is most definitely going places. Having burst on the scene earlier this year she is already beginning to dominate it.

Michael Stone who apart from gracing us all with a wonderful blog has also written the fabulous 'Fourtold', a collection of four novellas, which I am currently reading.

K.C. Shaw because a) she has the most fabulously titled novel 'Evil Outfitters, Ltd' in submission land (please, please, please someone accept it already as I need to read it), and b) she also keeps her blog topped up daily (and often several times a day). Go K.C.

K.V. Taylor, because she is a star in the making. With stories due to be published in two of the hottest anthologies 'Voices' and 'Harvest Hill'. Watch out for this young lady, she is about to hit the big time.

Aaron Polson, author of the amazing Reciprocity, who has work forthcoming in both The Black Garden and Harvest Hill.

Jamie Eyberg a horror writer who also writes Y.A. - what more reason do I need than that.

And to everyone, I've missed out, I love your blogs too... And of course, if I could I would nominate the three people who nominated me because a) their blogs rock and b) they rock.

*Will leave my comments on your blogs when I get home from work.


Carrie Harris said...

WOOT WOOT! You deserve the award, chica! All three of 'em!

Jamie Eyberg said...

thank you Cate! I don't deserve it but thank you.

Cate Gardner said...

Of course you do, Jamie. :)

Aaron Polson said...

Thanks Cate...I'm glad I stumbled onto The Poisoned Apple. It is always a fun read.

Kimbra Kasch said...

Now I'm going to have a whole lot more blogs to be visiting.

Brenda said...

I will never get any writing done with this "I love your blog" award going around...I now have more blogs to read...grin...

Congrats on your 3 awards!

Aaron Polson said...

Your blog is awesome, Cate. I love your blog (I know I'm a cheater).

Cate Gardner said...

Hee! Hee! Now that you've cheated Aaron, I can nominate a few more wonders. :)

Anonymous said...

Awww....thanks! Hopefully I'll get around to reciprocating on my blog. I'm really bad about participating in things like this. Please don't think me an utter a-hole if I don't...

Cate Gardner said...

Never, Barry. And not everyone has the time to play.

Michael Stone said...

That was a nice surprise, Cate. Thank you. I'm taking part, but because I'm such a windbag I'm eking it out over several posts.

Katey said...

Whoa, way to make me blush. That's so sweet of you, Cate, thank you!

I realize I shouldn't give them to the same people who give them to me, but I had to.

Cate Gardner said...

You're welcome and thanks for such fabulous blogs.

Felicity Dowker said...

I "I Love Your Blog"ged you right back, I'm afraid. Consider it official.

And thanks! :o)