Friday 12 July 2019

A Small Convention (for Small People)

It's Edge-Lit 8 weekend and we are, as I type, on our way to sunny Derby. Please be sunny, Derby. As I type is a wee lie as I'm actually typing this the day before in the dis-comfort of my office chair at work. Shush! Don't tell the boss.
It's going to be a busy weekend (for some - small husband in particular).
Here's my schedule (it is also small):
16:00 Cinema One - Multi Publisher Launch
Hersham Horror is releasing THE WOODS an anthology containing stories by me, Phil Sloman, Penny Jones, James Everington and Mark West. Also released in the same slot are A LOVE LIKE BLOOD by Simon Bestwick (small husband), which is published by Dark Minds Press, and Cannibal Nuns from Outer Space by Duncan P. Bradshaw, published by Sinister Horror Company.
My story is 'The Iron Curve of Thorns'.
I'm led to believe that wine and nibbles with be available. I actually fancy a Pina Colada, but that's another story, one that usually involves virgins.

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