Wednesday 21 September 2011

Doors & Bloody Hearts

My novella 'Barbed Wire Hearts' is now available to pre-order, and you can read an extract here. The limited edition hardcover will be published in November, and will also be available as an e-book. I believe there are only a small amount left available to buy.

In other news, my story 'Exit Stage Life' is tomorrow's Daily Science Fiction story and will be emailed to subscribers before being published on the website on the 29th September. The story is about a door that appears next to someone's desk and coincidentally...

At work, Office Services left a large door (okay, it had a cupboard attached to it) in front of my desk today. Gulp! I didn't open it. (I bet you're disappointed in me now).

And as it's Wednesday, I should mention my WIP - an icy tale called 'The Menagerie of Frozen Birds'. It's been kicking my ass but it's time for payback.


Anthony Rapino said...

Just read the excerpt and wow! Heartbreaking, beautiful, and *funny.* I love the lager breath line, and the line about "traitors" after the four-eyes joke. Both had me laughing good. Can't wait to read the rest!

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks for reading the extract, Anthony. I'm too afraid to.

Simon Kewin said...


Another great week for you. Will it be available sa a Kindle ebook?

Looking forward to your story on DSF greatly.

Cate Gardner said...

Yes, it will be available for the Kindle, Simon.

Simon Kewin said...

Cool - figured it would. I'll be buying that then!

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Simon

Aaron Polson said...

The world needs more Cate Gardner. Yay!

(Don't open the door, Cate. Never open that door.)

Barry Napier said...

oooh very good teaser. and a limited edition hard cover!!! So excited for you! congrats!

widdershins said...

Hey there ... just read your story on Daily SF ...intriguing ... well done.
Take care.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, guys :D

Deborah Walker said...

What a week. I have awarded you seven rocket dragons, Cate.

Cate Gardner said...

Wow, thank you, Deborah.

Deborah Walker said...

No worries, I just dragon/rocket it as I see it, and that was a great story. Captured the strangeness and the longings of office life.

EC said...

I enjoyed your story on Daily SF this morning, a fabulous concept that was executed perfectly.

PV Lundqvist said...

Love the title. In fact, all of them. :)

Danielle Birch said...

You are on fire! Am adding it to my list.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Erin

Thanks, PV

Shit, am I, Danielle? Someone put me out. :D

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to this one more than any of the other Delirium Books novellas. If you get the chance, read anything by Greg F. Gifune; I believe you'll enjoy his writing.


Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Jeff. I actually have one of Greg's books lurking on my kindle.

Simon Kewin said...


Belatedly - which is pretty much my default position - I've just read Exit Stage Life. Great stuff indeed. I love stories like this. Have voted big!

K.C. Shaw said...

Ooh, cool cover! And I saw your DSF story come through my feed but haven't had time to read it yet. I'm looking forward to it, though!

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Simon

Thanks, Kate

Anonymous said...

So going to be getting this Cate. Your writing is just getting better and better.

Katey said...

How the hell did this post slip through my RSS reader? Duuuuuuuuude pre-order is ON! <3

Anton Cancre said...

I'm very late in saying this, but: Ms. Gardner, I believe you know how to reach me and I am, as always, willing to help out with the reviews.