Thursday 10 March 2011

Space, Time and The Competition

Competition time.

My contributor copies of Space and Time arrived today. That's right--copies--which means I have a spare magazine to pass onto someone awesome (and it'll be signed by me) and I thought I'd throw in a $10 or £10 (depending which side of the Atlantic you're on) Amazon gift card so you can buy more books.

So what do you have to do to win...

Well, I figured since it's ebook week, you could maybe buy an ebook and then comment below saying you'd like to be entered in the competition. I'm not looking for proof you bought an ebook (I trust y'all). Just do it. Or perhaps you've already bought an ebook this week and in which case, consider yourself entered (but you still have to tell me in the comments so I know you're playing).

Here are some ebook buyage suggestions:

Strange Men in Pinstripe Suits - UK or USA
(Yes, that's my sly way of telling you my book is now available to read on the Kindle - I am made of evil things)

Some more ebook suggestions: (I LOVE these books)
The House Eaters by Aaron Polson - UK or USA
House of Fallen Trees by Gina Ranalli - UK or USA
Morning is Dead by Andersen Prunty - UK or USA

Or try something I have on my to read shelf (and to read file):
Amity by Jeremy D Brooks - UK or USA
The Masks of Our Fathers by Barry Napier - UK or USA
The Black Act by Louise Bohmer - UK or USA

Try a famous author:
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro  - UK or USA

...or a small press author:
Empire by David Dunwoody - UK or USA

...or an independent author:
Zombie Punter by Zoe E. Whitten - UK or USA

...or pre-order a book by a first time author:
Bad Taste in Boys by Carrie Harris - UK or USA

...or buy what I'm currently reading:
Tide of Souls by Simon Bestwick - UK or USA

Heck, just buy a book. Anybody's book because we're all in this together.

Competition closes midnight (your time), Friday 18th March 2011.

PS Forgot to say - even if I've mentioned your book, you can enter and if I haven't mentioned your book, please feel free to link to your book in the comment section (one time only offer).


Anthony Rapino said...

Yeah contests! :-D

Now then. I *have* purchased a few e-books this week, trying to support some fellow writers. Off the top of my head, Amy Grech's BLANKET OF WHITE.

I don't know how, but I somehow overlooked Aaron's book, so I just ordered that one. And I also picked up Zoe's, as I meant to order it last night and totally forgot.

I'd get yours as well, Cate, but I have the awesome dead-tree version already. :-D

Good times.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks for entering :D

And dead tree books are far more awesome anyhow (don't tell my kindle I said that).

I fell like you should have 3 entries in the hat. And thus, you shall.

Anonymous said...

I went ahead and bought "Strange Men in Pinstripe Suits" for my Kindle. I'll start reading it after I finish "To Each Their Darkness" by Gary A. Braunbeck, which I also bought this week.

Lee Thompson/Thomas Morgan/James Logan/Julian Vaughn said...

Neat! Your collection is awesome and I have the paperback. I didn't buy any ebooks this week but bought two signed/limited hardcover novellas so I'm not entering. I just think it's awesome that you do give aways. More power to ya, Cate! I hope you hit the big time!

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Gary. And you're entered. :D

I suspect I'm more likely to hit the big top, Lee ;)

Simon Kewin said...


I've bought Strange Men and I'm very much looking forward to reading it. Great stuff.

Aaron Polson said...

Awww, Cate. Thanks for the shout-out. What a list of great reads!

Anonymous said...

I just downloaded Strange Men last night for Gizmo! Looking forward to checking it out posthaste.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks Simon & Milo.

Anytime, Aaron. And good luck today. ;)

Unknown said...

Well, you know me and contests. :)

A great list of recommendations. I actually just bought the new issue of Clarkesworld today, which is now an obscenely affordable 99 cents on Kindle, as well as Barry's Masks of Our Fathers.

OH! And congrats on the honorable mention from Ellen Datlow! Very cool.

Cate Gardner said...

And according to number Generator, Gary B Phillips is the winner.