Friday 11 March 2011

The List

I forgot how to breathe earlier today...

I saw a link to Ellen Datlow's Full Honorable Mention list (ie the long list) and first I noticed that Aaron Polson was on the list and then I noticed that I was on the list...

Well not me exactly--my story 'The Hollow Framework for the Cotton Man' which was in Postscripts 22/23.

Oh my freaking god.

I can't deny that if I had a list of things to achieve, then a mention from Ellen would be on that list.

However, I may have to tippex my computer screen so that I can remove Jacob Garbe from between me and Neil Gaiman. Other folk on the list include Simon Bestwick, Lee Thompson, Lavie Tidhar, E Catherine Tobler, Jason Fischer, Patty Jansen, DeAnna Knippling, Alison J Littlewood, Felicity Dowker, Kurt Newton, Gary McMahon (who got 11 nominations - show off :D) and others.

P.S. Don't forget, there's still time to enter my competition to win Space & Time magazine and an Amazon Gift Card.


Corinne said...

Oh wow, Cate! Congrats! That's all kinds of amazing.

Elizabeth Twist said...

I'm so happy for you, Cate! And for Aaron. What a huge accomplishment.

Anthony Rapino said...

Very very very cool! Congrats!

Josh Reynolds said...

Awesome! Congrats!

Barry Napier said...

Very cool indeed. Congrats! What a way to wrap up a week!

Simon said...

Congrats, Cate. It's about bloody time and well-deserved. As I keep telling you :P

Lee Thompson/Thomas Morgan/James Logan/Julian Vaughn said...

Yay! Congrats, Cate!

Cate Gardner said...

Thank you. :D

Major congrats to you Lee x3

Aaron Polson said...

Congrats, Cate!

Cate Gardner said...

And you too, Aaron. I was stoked to see your name on the list.

Michael Stone said...

That's pretty doggone massive. Nice one, Cate!

Kara McElhinny said...

YAY and Congrats!!!

*breaks out the dynamite and the pompoms!*

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Mike (and congrats on the Requiem mentions)

Dynamite and pompoms - glitter explosion ;)

K.C. Shaw said...

That's awesome!

I saw your (or someone's) tweet about this last night, and when I went to bed I dreamed Ellen Datlow was interviewing you. She sounded just like Terry Gross on All Things Considered. I was so proud that I knew you. :)

Fox Lee said...

Woot! : )

Danielle Birch said...

Most excellent news!

Katey said...

No one could possibly deserve it more.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, guys.

Jacob Garbe said...

Nooo no Tippex! But in all seriousness, congrats on the listing and best of luck with your projects!