Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Thirty Days of What?

Last month, expecting to be knee-deep in NaNoWriMo (which I am of course, working hardish) I pre-set my 30 Days of Writing Questions and I keep having to push them back because I keep having far more interesting things to talk about. Go figure!

First off, the always inspiring Aaron Polson has announced a call to arms and is looking for short fiction reviewers. Good or bad, we writers always crave reviews. So go on, throw your hat in the ring. I have.

Second, my book took an interesting curve today and things are getting far darker than I imagined. The first few chapters will need overhauling but I'm making little comments in the margins as I go. What am I saying, the whole darn thing will need overhauling. Several times. Doh! I'm still referring to it as The Museum of Impossible Artefacts but the title is defunct now because part of the interesting curve is...there is no museum anymore. Its removal doesn't upset my plot line though and its replacement makes me want to write the book even more.

Today's Word Count: 2263 (mini-dance)
Total Word Count: 17,819 + 1286 (other projects)

Things of Import: I killed someone today. It broke my heart, but it was necessary to propel the story forward / I've changed my hero's name to Jake Aberdeen - he's not Scottish.


Aaron Polson said...

Sheesh, Cate. You're clobbering NaNo. (and thanks for your support)

Barry Napier said...

Jeez...you'll be done with NaNo by the 20th at this rate! Keep at it!

Fox Lee said...

I killed someone yesterday. It sucked : (

Word verification: nakerd. I dick you not.

Danielle Birch said...

I love the different directions a story can take you.

Cate Gardner said...

I am, I am, Aaron.

Wouldn't that be nice, Barry.

:( Natalie

Me too, Danielle. Except when they lead me into a plot hole.

Paula Ray said...

Your productivity and talent for writing a touch of bizarre is an inspiration. Keep up the good work.

Katey said...

Jesus, I hate killing off the characters.

But your wordcount almost makes up for it, huh? :D