Monday 9 August 2010

Sparkling Linkage Queen

You are about to be bombarded with links.

One will take you to a strange place. Another with take you to an even stranger place. And one will take you to the strangest place of all.

First off, the gorgeous-wonderful-totaldude Mark Deniz has interviewed me for his new Beyond Fiction interview/review site.

Next we have the fabulous news that Strange Men in Pinstripe Suits is available to pre-order. And if you order now you save $1.99. That's a price of a burger or chocolate orme (scrub that last part).

And finally, I'm running a blog award contest. It's really easy to play and you get to win the awesome prizes below. Find out more here.

Prize Package A: Strange Men in Pinstripe Suits

Prize Package B: Strange Books by Strange Folk


Jamie Eyberg said...

Those prizes are awesome!

Cate Gardner said...

Thank you :D

Danielle Birch said...

Great interview. Looking forward to receiving my copy of the collection.

Unknown said...

Hey Hi..!!
Really awesome interview...
and very wonderful prizes...


Katey said...

So so so cool, Cate! I pre-ordered instantly, you'd better believe.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Danielle.

Hi to you too James.

Thank you, Katey :D

Anthony Rapino said...

I finally got the blog updated with some serious pimpage. My first post in weeks.