Monday 26 July 2010

I'm a Tree

True story.

When someone told me the driving test laws were changing and that, from September, anyone taking the test would be required to take a 10 minute run, I said...

"Well I'm stuffed. I can just about run for the bus."


And in unrelated 'I'm a tree' news. The website for my short story collection, Strange Men in Pinstripe Suits, went live yesterday and there's a contest and freebies. Problem is, for the first 6 hours or so I had the wrong email address up on the site, so if you entered the competition or ordered any bookmarks and didn't send the entry to catephoenix(at)gmail(dot)com, then I never received it. You may throw rotten tomatoes at me now.

Clipart from


Anthony Rapino said...

Hold on. You actually have to run for 10 minutes to pass a driver's test? What the heck does running have to do with driving?

I'm baffled. Which I guess is pretty normal, but still.

Cate Gardner said...

Ha! You're as dim as me. :D Worked it out yet.

Jamie Eyberg said...

I only run if someone bigger than me is giving chase. Or a large dog, I would run from a large dog.

Cate Gardner said...

Jamie, me too.

Barry Napier said...

i personally get irritated at he motorcycle driving questions on the tests. I don't drive one and, i fact, hate them. Boo tests!

Cate Gardner said...

I don't know if we have those on the UK one. Though we probably do.

Katey said...

Running is for chumps--

Oh wait! I get it! Ha!

New site is gorgeous. Cannot wait to get my hands not his book.

Cate Gardner said...

Phew! I was beginning to worry twitter had zapped all our brains.

Fox Lee said...

I still don't get it *sigh* Maybe after a good night's sleep!

Cate Gardner said...

Ah, Nat. I thought you would most of all. Going for a run in the car... Ahem!

K.C. Shaw said...

Your website looks awesome.

I wonder who was getting all your emails during those six hours? I did send a request for a bookmark (I need to resend it) and the email didn't bounce back, so I know someone out there must have been really confused when they checked their mail.

Cate Gardner said...

A girl called Cate Gardner I'm assuming. As soon as I realised my mistake, I emailed and apologised. I'm hoping it's a forgotten about account.

Please do request another bookmark. I have so many and I'm desperate to print more but have been banned from the laminator until these have gone.