Tuesday 27 July 2010

Books, Beautiful Books

Thanks to a decluttering experiment...Well, less experiment more painful extraction of things I never used but wanted to keep, I've moved my wobbling to read tower to the shelves behind my desk. Back me up guys, there are too many empty spaces and I should buy more books, right? In fact my YA and MG piles look particularly lacking.


Josh Reynolds said...

Definitely. You need twenty-twenty five more books to really make that space pop.
Also, some throw pillows.

Anonymous said...

I should be ashamed to admit that I totally want to come and rob your house right now. I'd clean it out. I'd take EVERYTHING. But I'd leave a nice thank you note after.

And the cover art for Strange Men in Pinstripe Suits is absolutely gorgeous!!! Congratulations! :D

Jamie Eyberg said...

I think we can say something about quality over quantity with that lovely set of pages.

Cate Gardner said...

Josh, I agree. I have pillows. :D

Thanks, Mercedes. And right now, I'm willing to open my doors and let people in. Surrounded by chaos.

Rebecca Nazar said...

One can never have enough books and throw pillows.

Alan W. Davidson said...

That seems much safer. My wife purchased a small bookcase recently for the bedroom and moved my twin mini-towers to that. The bedside table is unusually clean. It needs clutter...

Danielle Birch said...

You must buy more books immediately. Empty shelves should be illegal :)

K.C. Shaw said...

You definitely need some filler books. Although if you're anything like me, now that you have space on your shelves, somehow books will fill them up without conscious effort on your part.

Andrea Allison said...

My new bookshelves are quickly filling up. I may need to do some decluttering myself and send some books your way.

Bobbie Metevier said...

I decorate with my to-be-read pile. I'll stack the hardcovers high enough beside the couch to use as end tables. Also, I have them running down the basement staircase. It's all patterened and sort of shabby-chic.

Barry Napier said...

I ha actually gone to a used books toe simply to fill in empty space on my bookshelves. I suggest this.

Cate Gardner said...

Very true, Rebecca.

It looks too neat now, Alan. I want to build a new tower.

Amen, Danielle

I expect so, Kate

Don't you dare, Andrea (well at least not for a week)

Ooh, end tables. Cool idea, Bobbie. I could do that with the books I've read.

Barry, is it wrong of me to admit I love the smell of new books. I dealt in old books for so long, my nose wrinkles at the smell.

Rabid Fox said...

Your bookshelf way be scant, but it is prettier than mine. Of course, throw pillows may help. :)

Fox Lee said...

Yes. More books!

Katey said...

I love your shelves-- well, and the books on them, but that's a given. I wish my to-read pile was so lovely! (Er, it's lovely. But-- dammit, you know what I mean.)

Cate Gardner said...

Gef, throw pillows are a must.

I'm saving the space for when your books are published, Natalie.

Katey, I'm sure you have the loveliest to read pile.