Saturday 15 May 2010

The Creepy Order of Adams

One minute I'm all 'Oh my goodness, the new issue of Interzone had dropped through my letter box and I haven't read the last issue yet' and adding it to my towering pile of things to read, and the next I'm spending money I earned from a short story publication on Apartment 16 by Adam Nevill and The World House by Guy Adams.

But who could resist the cover of The World House. Gorgeous.

Hoping to finish reading Soul Enchilada by David McInnis Gill on the train to my brother's today. Fabulous funny book.

Staying over at my bro's this weekend with the adorable gruesome twosome (my niece and nephew). Enjoy your weekend.


Jamie Eyberg said...

You have a great weekend, too. That is a cool looking cover. I wonder if that sells in the states?

Katey said...

Sounds like a perfect weekend plan. That is an awfully pretty cover.

Aaron Polson said...

Books and gruesome twosomes? It does sound like a plan. Katey nailed that one.

Cate Gardner said...

A fabulous time was had by all...and now it's back to work, or twitter.