I've just bought myself a rather special Christmas present, the traycased hardcover edition of Postscripts #20/21
Edison's Frankenstein which includes my story,
Hand Scratched Note. It's also available to purchase as an almost as fancy
Jacketed Hardcover. It is a most beautiful book; I believe I'll need a whole shelf to display its magnificence.
In other news, I finished the short story (
The Stars Blink Out, One by One) I was working on for
Retro Spec and got it in with a few days to spare. Wipes sweat off brow and thinks it might be a good idea to turn down the heating.
Cool pic, again. I had to show my wife the first one in the series I liked it so much. I'm glad you got a story sent off to Retro Spec. That sounds fun.
Jamie, I'm aiming for unrejectionable... If that's a word.
Cate, seeing your name in the PS TOC is fantastic.
Aaron, I definitely squee'd.
That's a really cool book to be included in...congrats!
As always, you are rocking the casbah.
Woo, hoo. Well done, Cate!
Also, my wife has to wipe sweat from her brow and turn downt the heat, but it's more to do with 'the change'.
Thanks, Jeremy
Carrie, and shaking my wobbly bits as I do so.
Alan, *shudder*.
You can set the book up with a backlight and a recording of classical music, that plays when people approach it.
And an invisible force field to protect it.
Congrats on the stories.
I am considering both ideas. :D
Oh wow, that's a beautiful publication, Cate. It goes on the list!
It also means I'll never be satisfied with anything else again.
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