Monday 21 September 2009

Scary Apples Dancing

This post is brought to you by an unknown Googler situated somewhere in Arizona - I suspect living in a cave somewhere near the Grand Canyon - the poor dude or dudette googled 'Scary Apples Dancing' and stumbled upon my blog. For a wild moment I thought it would make an interesting search. Was I wrong, wrong, wrong. I felt so sorry for the poor Googler with their saucer like eyes and their visibly beating heart that I had to solve their plight... Let me introduce to you, the scariest dancing apples this side of Halloween.

Or, in the words of my nephew who refused to be credited unless I said his name was Cecil, it's funny but it's naff, naff, naff.*

*If you don't understand the meaning of naff* - culture shock, it means something produced by the math club geeks and no doubt there are math club geeks (waves hello and asks can they sort out my bank account) asking their grandmas to knit them jumpers with either the Ninja Apple, the Vampire Apple, or in the case of the naffest of the naff, both.

Coming to a cinema near you when the world implodes.


Alan W. Davidson said...

Lovely dancing apples...and a Gardner production at that. Well done, Cate et. al.

"Naff" Glad to see that you're doing your part for cross-cultural education.

Rebecca Nazar said...

A rapid apple a day keeps everything at bay. :-)

Jamie Eyberg said...

You are becoming quite the multi-media talent.

Carrie Harris said...

The music makes this video.

Cate Gardner said...

Alan, we are all smoking from the same pipe.

Rebecca, neat quote.

Jamie, I know. ;)

Carrie, the music is courtesy of The Wolf Dude - he was singing off camera.

Aaron Polson said...

So delightful! Now those "Scary Apples Dancing" searchers will have something to see!

Cate Gardner said...

Aaron, I wonder if they'll ever come back...

Anonymous said...

cross cultural education is very good. we don't really do the "naff" in the states. perhaps it will catch on.

Cate Gardner said...

Samantha, please start using naff at parties... I'm thinking it's a local (Scouse) word...

Laura Eno said...

Very cute! I've never heard of naff, either.

Cate Gardner said...

Feeling a need to spread the word naff across the internet.

Anthony Rapino said...

Oh my.

I'd be lying if I didn't say I've had dreams eerily similar to that.

Cate Gardner said...

Now I'm scared.

Katey said...

Dude, I love it. You and Cecil are made of pure unadulterated WIN. Also, I apparently really like naff things. Sweet.

Cate Gardner said...

I suspected as much. ;)

Fox Lee said...

I will never eat fruit again.

Danielle Birch said...

Freaky little buggers, aren't they.