Tuesday 21 July 2009

Trench Foot - The Results

Thank you to everyone who read Trench Foot over at Fantasy Magazine last week. Now comes the moment you've all been waiting for. The results of the competition which ran both on blogger and livejournal and I'm pleased to say we have winners from both blogs.

The two first prize winners who will receive lots of pirate and fairy goodies, a signed thank you note from me, and will also get to choose between the following books: Alex and the Wigpowder Treasure by Adrienne Kress (or if you're in the US, Alex and the Ironic Gentleman - same book), or Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr, or Wondrous Strange by Lesley Livingston are:

Jamie Eyberg & Katey Taylor

The second prize winner is: Bernie Mojzes

The third prize winner is: Mike Stone

Can the winners please email their address to (removing the spaces) firemaiden @ blueyonder (dot) co (dot) uk, and can Jamie and Katey please tell me which of the above books you would like or if you'd prefer an Amazon Gift Card to choose something else.


Aaron Polson said...

Congrats to the winners, but most of all, congrats to you, Cate. Fantasy is a terrific feather in your cap.

Cate Gardner said...

And it keeps tickling me... :D

Jamie Eyberg said...

Squee! Sorry had to do that.

Anthony Rapino said...

Congrats to the winners! :-)

Katey said...

OMG! What Jamie said! Squee!

Right, done now. No wait... one more... eeeee!

Brilliant story, and now I have something to commemorate it forever. <3

Carrie Harris said...

Yeah, winners, and especially YAY Cate!