Sunday 7 June 2009

Wasting Sunday with a Technoidiot

On Tuesday, I joked about making a trailer for a flash short story. Well that would just be ridiculous, so I made a trailer for a regular short story instead. Oh, and I don't recommend doing one. It took me hours and hours and... What happened to Saturday? Of course, I'm a total technoidiot, and it will probably only take you 30 minutes.

The music sucks because I haven't a clue how to download. I tried and I tried and then I wagged my middle finger at my computer and gave up. Where are the teenagers when you need one?


Sophie Playle said...

What a great idea! The story sounds very chilling. Good work :)

Now you've made one, you should find it easier to make lots more, right? ;)

K.C. Shaw said...

OMG, that's an awesome trailer! I love it! And it's perfectly creepy to go with the story.

I've stalled out on mine over the music too. My editor actually just sent me the email of another of her writers who's also a musician, so hopefully I can get him to send me something.

Cate Gardner said...

Let's hope so, Sophie. :)

Thanks, KC. I found a site that had free CC music, and downloaded it to Windows Media Player, but Windows Movie Maker couldn't find it. I'm hoping my brother can tell me where I'm going wrong next weekend.

Fox Lee said...


Cate Gardner said...

I should have added a Korean boy band to spice things up.

Mary said...

All great directors start with shorts. ;)

It’s good! It caught my interest. The hook and the music are, I think, the most powerful elements in a trailer.

Jamie Eyberg said...

Way cool. It will be the next big thing, the short story trailer! I thought the music worked well with it.

Cate Gardner said...

Mary, if only. :)

Jamie, I want everyone to do one.

:) Rebecca.

Aaron Polson said...

Great timing with the text. "especially when..."

Anonymous said...

very nice. i feel making this makes you techoawesome, not a technoidiot. and i'm only not so far from teenageland, and there's no way i could make a video, and i wouldn't even touch sound. but that might be bc i'm special :^)

story sounds awesome (oh dear i did a two a word post).

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks for watching it. I'll try to remember to mention you in my Oscar speech.

Barry Napier said...

I liked it a lot and I DO think the music works. Job well done!

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Barry. :)

Kimbra Kasch said...

This is a great idea.

Very cool.

And, on a side note, I wanted to share my new secret identity with a few cyberbuddies.
”Kim Kasch’s Blogspot”

Carrie Harris said...

I'm with everyone else; I think the music works. And you are a dangerous person, because I'm now playing with trailers too. Darn it.

Katey said...

I liked that quite a bit-- plus it went with the story just right, music and all.

Danielle Birch said...

Brilliant! I loved it.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks for watching it. :) Now hurry up and all do your own.