Thursday 13 November 2008

This one is for my Bro...

It's like good news central here. My brother heard this morning that he had won tickets to see the Sterephonics in London and to meet them at a party later. I don't have the full details as he has gone racing off to London as the party is today. Here is my favourite Stereophonics song.

For him it's the equivalent of my getting a phone call from Tim Burton saying he wants to make The Poisoned Apple into an animated musical, and the same day Jack Bauer bursts into the reception at work and saves me from a paper cut.

My good news - I won £10 on the Lottery. YAY! Cate sits down and realises her news isn't quite as cool. Better news, Gustavo Bondoni has blogged about the cover of the Return to Luna anthology. Once again congratulations to all those who made it into the antho, I am forever jealous.


Fox Lee said...

Concerts end. Money can buy a plastic water bottle which, according to commercials, lasts forever!

Cate Gardner said...

Or chocolate - which in its own way never goes away :)

Aaron Polson said...

Congrats to you both--although I do agree with Natalie.

Cate Gardner said...

Ah, but what about those memories. ;)

K.C. Shaw said...

Congrats to your brother! I hope he has a great time. And I hope you put your humongous winnings to good use. (If I'd won it, I'd be on the phone to the pizza delivery right now!)

Cate Gardner said...

I'm sure he's having the time of his life. :)

You should get free pizza just for saving that gorgeous puppy.

Brenda said...

Congrats to you both! I always go with buying chocolate with any and chocolate...what better combination...grin...

Jamie Eyberg said...

Money is always good. I don't worry too much about concerts anymore, not even bands I like when I realize that I am a) either older than the band itself or b) am just about the oldest person in the crowd.

Katey said...

Gratz on your tenner-- I never win stuff like that!

But as a fellow ardent 'Phonics fan, I also need to fangirl now. Holy crap how exciting!!1!one! I don't even know your brother and it's still exciting! Between the two of you, you actually have the perfect combination for a Truly Perfect Evening: Potential for chocolate and Kelly Jones.

(Dakota is a rad track. I can't even pick a favorite, though I'll always retain a special love for "Traffic", since it was the first one I ever heard. Ahh, rock nostalgia... "She got a body in the boot, or just bags full of food?")

Kimbra Kasch said...

Always good to be a WINNER!

Happy for your brother.

And I am a true Chocoholic - so I'm there with you - and so are my hips.

Carrie Harris said...

I would so see a Tim Burton musical based on your stuff. From what I've read, it's a match made in heaven.

Congrats to your brother.

Mary said...

Congrats on winning £10 on the Lottery! I won that same amount a few weeks ago. And I am convinced they allow me to win a tenner every year to ensure I keep buying their tickets. ;)

Bet your bro had a fabulous time!