Friday 14 November 2008

The One Where Cate Posts a Photo

You know I figured it was about time I posted a photograph of myself – I mean not everyone in the album can be bad – and that’s how I found these gems. Gee how could I have forgotten all these momentous events.

me1 I was Warhol’s inspiration

Cate3 cate2

Victoria Beckham and others learned how to pout by studying photographs of me.

Thanks TKT and Photofunia for allowing the world to see the true me.

Oh, and the photo’s were I was offended because the program claimed they didn’t recognize any faces on the photographs. Darn cheek. Maybe it’s because they featured a moody teenager. What is up with that cardigan. :)

moodyme2 moodyme


Jeremy D Brooks said...

Cardigans rock! If you drove my my house yesterday about 7am, you would have seen me outside talking to the exterminator: barefoot, wearing sweatshorts, messy hair, glasses, and, yes...a cardigan.

Fashion staples unite!

Cate Gardner said...

Ah, but you wrote about Mrs. Marsupial so you have earned the right to dress anyway you please, that moody mare needed some make up and a brush. :)

Mary said...

Brilliant and hilarious! I particularly love the pic of Posh with your photo.

Great moody teen shots, and... that cardigan is actually quite cool. :)

Cate Gardner said...

Are you insane? :)

Jeremy D Brooks said...

If I re-visit Mrs. Marsupial, I'm putting her in a cardigan...swear to Thor.

Fox Lee said...

What is that trying to bite your ass in the last picture?

Rena Jones said...

I loved how you put up your pictures. That's really cool.

Carrie Harris said...

Um... I'm wearing a cardigan. Right now.

And you posted a Spice Girl? After talking smack about my Spice Girl addiction? HAH!!!

Jamie Eyberg said...

I used to wear one in a drafty old rental house when I wrote it a back room. It was cold enough to have frost on the inside of the wall. I still think they rock, although I don't own one anymore.

Brenda said...

I love the pics! The moody teenager in the cardigan is my favorite...grin...

Mercedes said...

I...lurk. I suppose it's only fair to tell you. :)

And I'm procrastinating on my nano atm! It swerved dangerously to the left of where I wanted it to go and I'm just kind of waiting for the my head to catch up with it.

Cate Gardner said...

Natalie - LOL! A ghost train skull.

Cheers, Rena.

Carrie, I did that for you. I thought you should know that I was Posh's inspiration and that you should rightfully be carrying around dolls of me and not her. Oh, and when I looked down yesterday I was wearing a cardigan, jeans and a checked shirt - weird!

Jamie - when I'm rich and famous, I'm sending you a cardigan. :)

Cheers, Brenda.

YAY! Mercedes :)

missread said...

I'd kill for that cardigan, right now. Mine are rubbish in comparison.

Great photos :-)

Kimbra Kasch said...

I am such a visual person - it's fun to see the photos. Thanks for sharing.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Kim.

Katey said...

I agree, cardigans rock. I would totally wear that.

Then again, I'm well beyond the age of cool. Still, someone loves you and your cardigan! (A lot of people, looks like!)

Cate Gardner said...

Maybe my mother was right - you should never throw away your old clothes because they always come back into fashion - but then it would be a rather smelly cardigan now and a little tight. :)

K.C. Shaw said...

Chalk up another person who likes the cardigan! The moodiness is just extra awesome.

God said...

Great stuff! Is that a skull you're standing in front of in that one shot?

Hmmm...something's never change!