Thursday 30 October 2008


First off the noooooo – where Cate waves her fists and wails because David Tennant last night announced that he is quitting Doctor Who.

Dr Who

Rumours abound as to his replacement (as always) with David Morrisey in the frame – yep, I can deal with him as he’s cute, a Liverpool boy (from my neighbourhood) and a fabulous actor; then we have James Nesbitt – oh God, please no, no, a world of no. For my money Philip Glenister (Life on Mars) would be the perfect replacement.


And as to the YESSSSSS – Gerard Houarner of Space and Time Magazine sent me an email this morning accepting my Liverpool based sci-fi story ‘Flying Dutchmen’. A world of happy.


Anonymous said...

Many congrats! I have 4 rejections from them. Of course, there is very little sci-fi in my subs...

Cate Gardner said...

Yeah, it's not often I attempt sci-fi, but I was very pleased with this wee effort. The story is the one that was rejected by 'Things Aren't What They Seem'.

Erik said...

Congrats! And I am ever so bummed about the Who news. Tennant was my introduction to the series, therefore my favorite of all the Doctors.

Aaron Polson said...

WHOOT! I have three rejects from Space and Time, but--trying to keep up with Barry--I am currently waiting on number four. Quality mag with a great history.

Katey said...

Awesome sauce-- a home-town story for the win! Congratulations, and sorry about Tennant. I've only seen the new Who a handful of times, but he did seem fabulous.

Cate Gardner said...

Cheers, Aaron.

Katey, he is fabulous - and cute (which is the important part of course).

Jodi Lee (Morrighan) said...

NOOOOOOO! to go with your NOOOOOOO! Care is going to be heartbroken. Absolutely heartbroken - she loves Tennant.

I want to nominate Rob James-Collier. Gorgeous, mischeivious, and has an amazingly confusing accent. *sigh*

And big huge congrats on the acceptance - what a roll!

Cate Gardner said...

Rob James-Collier - serious hunk factor.

Jamie Eyberg said...

At least I know they picked a quality writer over me for this issue. ;)

Jamie Eyberg said...

that's is why we like you, sweet and modest.

Fox Lee said...

Lucky people and your quality TV shows. Come down to America and try to live with our swill. You'll beg for death!

Cate Gardner said...

You're kidding!!!

24, Pushing Daisies, Lost, Supernatural... Though why things such as Dead Like Me, Tru Calling etc are cancelled I will never understand.

K.C. Shaw said...

Congrats on the story sale! As for Dr. Who, I have never seen a single episode so I can't share your pain, sorry.

Unknown said...

Yes, congrats on your great news!

I heard Russell T Davies and Ben Cook say in a recent interview that Johnny Depp would be a brilliant Doctor - oh, Yes!

J.C. Tabler said...

Congrats! Once again!

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks KC, Sue & JC. :)

Carrie Harris said...

Yay! I LOVE sci-fi, so I will be checking this one out, definitely!

If only I had some idea of the people you were talking about, I would say something witty here. :)

Anonymous said...


Bobbie Metevier said...

Great news! Space and Time is an awesome magazine.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, guys :)