Friday 29 August 2008


From the folks who brought us the Bits of the Dead anthology, Coscom Entertainment have announced guidelines for a new anthology to be edited by A.P. Fuchs, titled DEAD SCIENCE.

Check out the site for more details.

Oh, and hurry now - the clock is ticking.


Carrie Harris said...

Ooh! Ooh! This is TOO cool! Thanks for the link!

Cate Gardner said...

I'm guessing you like the dead folks as much as me. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this. Funny story: in trying to get a story started for this antho after reading this, I realized that it was the perfect solution to end my Dark Jesters sub. So I have no idea for this one for right now but have one more sub off as a result. Ta-da!

Cate Gardner said...

Cool, and good luck with both anthologies. I'm having a let's write seven words and rearrange them day. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip!

Cate Gardner said...

Anytime. :)

Fox Lee said...

I had an idea last night, but now it bores me. Funny how sleep distorts things!

Cate Gardner said...

My head is a vacuum at the moment...

Katey said...

James Joyce reference! Cate, if I didn't love you before, I officially must now. You are so stuck with me :D

This is a great tip, thanks for the link.

Cate Gardner said...

Good luck, Katey.

Gabe said...

Thanks for the congrats, Catherine. I'm sorry I don't comment enough, but I usually check up on you at work. For some reason I can pull your blog up, but it blocks me when I try to leave a comment.

I like the feature you have where it shows the latest posts from the blogs you subscribe to. How have you done that? I can't seem to get it to work for me.

Best wishes.

Cate Gardner said...

Hi Gabriel

Weird - maybe your work's server has a block on blogs or something.

The new blog feature is cool isn't it? If you go into layout and click on 'Add a Gadget' and then choose 'Blog List' you can add the URLs of all the blogs you want on the list. Hope that helps.