Monday 2 June 2008

Through my warped eye.

I've finished my story Through the Warped Eye of Death and have submitted it to The Black Garden anthology. I spent half of yesterday trying to come up with a decent title. Okay, now for the really cheesy part. That is, what inspired me to write this... (Guidelines aside of course.) I hope I painted my story black enough.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's pretty amazing the places we draw inspiration from, eh?...

Erik said...

Congrats on finishing the story and getting it out -- best of luck with the submission process, hope it works out in your favor. Interesting post (loved the video), I put up a list of top 9 or so songs (etc) in my weekly piece for the Horror Library Blog-O-Rama just last week. Great topic (music and how it impacts your writing).

Felicity Dowker said...

You do not want to know where I got the idea for my Black Garden story...but maybe I'll tell you after the anthology comes out, anyway. ;o)

Good luck with the sub, I'll be watching to see how it works out for you!

Mary said...

Such a great song! And congrats on the recent acceptances!

Doesn’t “The Love Curse of the Rumbaughs” have the most wonderful cover? I’ve leant my copy to my Mum. No doubt she will be worried… ;)

Cate Gardner said...

Barry - very amazing and sometimes a little disturbing. :)

Erik - Will check out your top 9.

Felicity - I am sure it's not in the least cheesy like my inspiration.

Mary - It's one of the best, if not the best cover I've ever seen. Fabulous book.

Ed Wyrd said...

Wow. You're such a busy busy writer. You're always writing and submitting. I feel like such a slug in comparison. I need to put a post-it on my computer that says, WWCJGD?


Cate Gardner said...

LOL! It's all smoke and mirrors.