This is officially 'Tag Monday' - I've been tagged by Adrienne again. Well, I did need an excuse to procrastinate.
For this game of tag we'll be using the book to the left: The Oblivion Society by Marcus Alexander Hart. It's next on my to read list.
Here are the rules.
1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people and post a comment back to Adrienne's blog (she's the one who tagged me - you will in turn nominate the person who tagged you - ie me) once you've posted your three sentences.
The book illustrated top left is the book I had nearest to hand.
Page 123:
There was only one thing to do.
"Hold onto your ass!" she screamed.
With a lurch of her neck, she slammed her sunburnt forehead down on the brake pedal, locking the Rabbit in a squealing spin.
And here, as an added extra, is the reason I bought the book. Check out the cool trailer:
I'm going to tag the same people as before...
Ha! That's the best one I've read so far!
I'm going to link to your blog now - I like it!
Hi Cate,
I think I did it right? I've put my little book excerpt up and I'm back here to tell you...is that it?
Oh, Welcome to the End of Your Life is up on the dock if your interested.
Done that one, too, just for you. :)
Cheers Sue - I'll post a link to your blog too.
Rich - I'll check your story out later today, and thanks for playing.
Ditto Ed...
Love those sentences!
Thanks for tagging me. I’ve done both, but took the liberty of bending the rules! :)
Wow. Just...wow...now that was interesting.
Mary - rules are made to be broken.
JC - I started reading the book last night - funny, funny, funny... Of course, I have a strange sense of humour.
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