Wednesday 23 April 2008

And now for something cheery...

Twisted Dreams magazine has accepted my flash story DEAD BOLT... Cue snoopy dance. It's quite a dark wee thing with not a hint of the surreal.

And talking of the surreal, there is probably too heavy a dose of it in the story I'm working on for the Sword & Sorceress anthology. I am no doubt completely off-track with what they want but a) they reject really, really fast so I can try again with something else and b) I really like the story.

I am obsessed with checking my statcounter (sad, I know) and interestingly (or perhaps not) the last person to check out my page found there way here via Google and the search thread 'Why do I hate commas?' And in the event that unknown person returns (they didn't even stay a second damn them :) ), my answer is - I don't know...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the acceptance!

What a funny search item! But find myself nodding at the mystery--Yes, why do you hate commas?

J.C. Tabler said...

CONGRATS! See, I knew one of those stories out there would get an acceptance letter. Now do me a favor and start praying for some of my wayward children, eh?

Cate Gardner said...

Cheers, Danette. It feels a little voyeuristic sometimes seeing what someone has typed into google.

Hi JC - Fingers crossed as always.

K.C. Shaw said...

Congrats!! And good luck on the S&Sorceress story too!

Mary said...

Congrats on your acceptance! :)

I’ve had several Google searches for “overnight in a castle”: people looking for a hotel?

Cate Gardner said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the acceptance! And also, why all the hatevtowards commas? I tend to abuse them, but when they stay where they are asked, they are quite good friends...

Cate Gardner said...

Cheers, Barry. I no longer hate commas, I've moved onto semi-colons instead. Only kidding.;)