Saturday 19 April 2008


Four rejections in thirty-six hours. OUCH! Serves me right for obsessively pressing send & receive every five minutes and begging the universe to give me some news, any news...

The Moth Brigade didn't make it into the Robots Beyond anthology. It got right to the wire but didn't quite make it under. Despite the rejection, I am stoked the story made it so far - I mean PERMUTED PRESS (Wow!). Now of course I'm itching for them to release news of another anthology.


Leah said...

Hey Cate :)

Leah from the Permuted boards here. Shame you didn't make it in! Still, I'm pretty sure that you'll be able to find a home for it elsewhere. Good luck!

Cate Gardner said...

Cheers, Leah. I was sorry to read Reginald didn't make it.

K.C. Shaw said...

Oh, ouch! Rejections do seem to come in clumps like that (I had three in two days this week), but at least you came really close! Sometimes that's almost as good as an acceptance.

Adrienne said...

Sorry about the rejections! I've had quite a bit this month myself acting wise. I get where you are coming from.

In the meantime I've tagged you over at my blog, come check it out and the rules!

Chin up!

Anonymous said...

I got a rejection from them, but hey... different editors have different tastes. I already have my story from 'Beyond' in front of another editor for a pretty well established genre publication.

J.C. Tabler said...

Rejections suck.

There. Simply said. Not poetic, but good enough for government work.

Still, you've got more stuff out, and I'm certain one of them will be an acceptance!

Cate Gardner said...

Cheers everyone...

Thanks for tagging me Adrienne... Now I have to think of something innteresting - GULP!

colbymarshall said...

I know that feeling of pressing send even when you probably shouldn't be simply because you want ANY news...not a great feeling. Sorry about the R's!

Anonymous said...

Yeeesh, that IS a bummer. Sorry to hear it. I am also constantly hitting my "Check Mail" button. According to deadlines, the end of April until mid-may will either be joyous or depressing for me...currently awaiting word on 13 different stories...

best of luck to you with the Moth Brigade, though!

Anonymous said...

sorry for the rejections...but know that you are NOT alone in abusing the Check Mail button. I too am guilty. It's looking to get further abuse all throughout the month of May...

Anonymous said...

Hey, at least you're still sending them out there, that's the main thing.

Cate Gardner said...

Cheers Barry & Mark...