Friday 24 April 2020

A Tale of Two Reviews

Over on Twitter, Paul Feeney has reviewed The Woods, the anthology containing my story, The Iron Curve of Thorns. Here's a wee bit on what he had to say about my story.

Beautifully written and heartbreaking. Gorgeous imagery and a haunting tale that keeps surprising.

And, over at his blog, Paul Finch has reviewed The Alchemy Press Book of Horrors, containing my story, The Fullness of her Belly.

in Cate Gardner's The Fullness of Her Belly, in which we meet Ella, a mental outpatient who can only satisfy her constant craving to be pregnant by making cushion babies and stuffing them up her dress.

The blog also lists the TOC for The Alchemy Press Book of Horrors 2, which includes Paul's story, What did you see?

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