Friday 2 October 2015

Of Cranes and Precious Things

So this arrived last week. The latest issue of Black Static and what a thing of beauty it is with fiction by Jeffrey Thomas, Steven J Dines, Andrew Hook and Stephen Bacon, and an interview with Simon Kurt Unsworth.

Oh, and a novelette, When the Moon Man Knocks, by Me.

This publication means so much to me - firstly because it's in Black Static, one of the top horror fiction magazines and secondly, it's a story that deals with grief and was written just after mum died. Many thanks to Andy Cox for taking a chance on the story.

Inside the issue there is also a review by Peter Tennant of my novella, The Bureau of Them. Here be a snippet from the review:

...a surreal variation on the traditional ghost story that is powerful and affecting...

Also reviewed are Stephen Volk's Leytonstone, and Mark Morris' Albion Fay. Both get stonking reviews. you should buy them.


Simon Kewin said...

Very nice indeed. Many congratulations.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Simon :)