Wednesday 4 April 2012

My story The Menagerie of Frozen Birds is now available in Ice Picks, an anthology from Rainstorm Press and edited by S.S. Michaels.

"Perhaps it was the lights, maybe they played tricks, but Magda could have sworn that the blue girl moved, that her eyes flicked towards Viola and her mouth opened revealing her teeth."

The anthology also contains stories by Jeremy Shipp, Caleb J Ross, Robert R Best, David Dunwoody, Todd Austin Hunt, John Edward Lawson, Stacey Graham and Damien Walters Grintalis.


Kimbra Kasch said...

Super kewl...maybe even cold ;) you know, Ice picks...

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Kim. Ha!

Josh Reynolds said...

N-ice. Get it? Nice?
I'll be quiet now.

Deborah Walker said...

Nice, yeh, me, too. hee hee.

That's an impressive looking group of TOC buddies. Very . . . cool.

Cate Gardner said...

*Shakes Head*

Anthony Rapino said...

Awesome, congrats, Cate! I was about to say it looks cool... oh my.

Cate Gardner said...

*Shakes Head Again* (It's going to wobble off at this rate)

Katey said...

Oh how did I miss this! I love this cover. Must. Buyyyyy.