Sunday 29 April 2012

It's Raining, It's Pouring...

Dear Weather,

You are miserable. I request that you cheer up immediately (although I will give you a deadline of tomorrow). I  would like to spend the summer months sitting in the garden with a notebook writing something marvellous, or as marvellous as a first draft can be, and I don't have a waterproof pen or laminated notebook pages.

I promise I will add all the squall you want to my next WIP and will give rain a starring role so you won't be forgotten.

This afternoon, I shall bury my winter coat at the back of the wardrobe and will wear my new jacket to work tomorrow.

Your co-operation is appreciated,
Me (and several other writers in the UK)


Simon said...

Weather: me too, especially as I'm off to Wales for a break next week.

Cate: as always, you're awesome and you're right. :)

Cate Gardner said...

Now that there are two of us ganging up against Weather, hopefully she'll listen.

Enjoy Wales.

Simon said...

Will do. I'll bring you back a stick of rock. Or a lovespoon. Or something. :)

Jay said...

As the designated old man, that sawing sound in the corner will be me.

Cate Gardner said...

You should, Simon. I deserve it.

Noted, Jay :D

Deborah Walker said...

I just can't understand it, the weather was fine in Cyprus.

Cate Gardner said...

Permission to hate you just a little bit, Deborah

Simon Kewin said...

Yes, I'd just like to add my voice to the chorus. Enough rain!

Ray Cluley said...

Am I the only one who likes it? :-(

Cate Gardner said...

Hear, hear, Simon K

I suspect so, Ray. But we still love you.

Whirlochre said...

Agreed. Writing outside in the rain comes second only to composing poetry in a gay sauna - a mistake I made in 1991 (and have no desire to repeat).