Friday 13 January 2012

The Travelling Theatrical Tour: From a Single Thing

Day six of the blog tour journeys to Jim McLeod's Ginger Nuts of Horror blog where I talk about prompt words and how we all interpret the world in different ways, thus making our fiction unique (we hope). The post is here: The Travelling Theatrical Tour: From a Single Thing.

Jim's blog is an excellent resource full of author interviews, horror news and reviews. He kindly interviewed me back in November in which he persuaded me to talk about rats, pirate ships, and my first published short story.

And Jim doesn't just interview (and review and share horror news), he allows folk to also probe him. Here's an interview with Jim by various horror writers. And, I believe this interview with Jasper Bark is one of Jim's favourites.

Other stops on the tour:
That November Spell at Ray Cluley's blog
Interview by Simon Kewin
Twitter Rules at Bloody Bookish
Freedom at TTA Press
Inspiration at Deborah Walker's blog

And in some *breaking news* (which is a cheat as the news broke yesterday and it's possibly not news news, but I thought it was superb): Peter Tennant of Black Static magazine has chosen Barbed Wire Hearts as the best novella of 2011. Theatre gets a mention too.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the kind words and all the plugging Cate, big hugs

Simon said...

Woot! Congratulations on the 'Best Novella' pick, Cate. Well deserved.

Deborah Walker said...

That is fabulous news, Cate.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks for inviting me over, Jim

Thanks, Simon

Thanks, Deborah

Anthony Rapino said...

Big, HUGE congrats for the best novella! :-)

I'm enjoying the tour too. Off to the newest stop.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Anthony.

Simple name said...

I Love your articles guys keep it