Sunday 4 December 2011

In Retrospect

"This year did not fail me, I failed it."
                                                                                                                ...quote by me 

Okay, the above may sound like I'm seriously kicking my own ass but truthfully, that quote made me pick up my pens, my laptop, a wealth of notes and put my butt in the chair. Last month I'd been bemoaning how 2011 had sucked and that hopefully 2012 would be much better. (You know the whole 'woe is me' deal - two fingers to that.) Well it will because 2011 didn't suck because of some weird cosmic force, it sucked because of me. I let 2011 down and not the other way around. 

Sorry 2011. 

Still, when I realise I'm in the wrong I do try to sort things. To make amends I've written two short stories -  The Familiar Buzz of Gone and Where Lost Words Gather, the Comic Strip Boys Fall - and blown lots of kisses at the calendar. The calendar is now shaking but I don't think that's from fear, it must be the photo of the little girl with wings who's lying beneath. She's eager to escape. And I am so about to throw away the cakes we bought from Asda (come on willpower). 

Plus 2011 gave me lots of pretty gifts: it gave me two books so far - don't count your chickens and all that especially as my next book doesn't hatch until December 21st and that's dangerously close to the end of the year, I met awesome writer folk, I lost 16lbs (and then put them back on again - oops!), my little niece and nephew came more into their own and are growing into awesome little dudes and my office transformed into the most delightful writing space ever (I will fight you for that title).

2011 we are so going to rock these last days together. 


Simon said...

Good on you for being determined to have a positive attitude and all that, Cate, but try not to beat yourself up too much. You're a smashing person and a truly fantastic writer. :)

Cate Gardner said...

Beating myself up is good. Besides, kicking oneself up the ass is good for the thighs. I think. I'll let you know when I can achieve such a feat. ;)

Simon said...

You can always get someone else to... eek, I'm so not finishing that sentence. :O

Damien Walters said...

Stay positive, Cate! Look at what you've accomplished instead of what you think you haven't. You are a lovely writer!

And I love the titles of the new short stories! Pretty and poetic! :)

Cate Gardner said...

I'm sure they'd be queuing up, Simon.

I like telling myself off, Damien. It makes me do stuff. :D

James Everington said...

All the best people are hard on themselves, I find.

The utter bastards of the world always seem to be supremely happy in themselves.

Good luck for 2012, Cate.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, James

Deborah Walker said...

Good point about making the best of the rest of the year, Cate. My head is already spinning trying to think of ways of pushing myself for next year. It's good for me. I'm trying to think about ways of improving quality. Tricky, tricky.

But the year ain't over yet.

Cate Gardner said...

Deborah, I can't wait to see how you push yourself further next year because you seriously owned 2011.

EC said...

Cheers to self-discovery, so dang hard. Maybe you let 2011 down, but now you own your destiny again. That's an awesome feeling.

Michael Stone said...

We are our own worst enemies sometimes, and our own worst critics too. I doubt you were quite as bad a slacker as you're making out.

Good luck with the drive to make 2012 one of high productivity.

Deborah Walker said...

Thanks, Cate!

Bobbie Metevier said...
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Bobbie Metevier said...

Happy early 2012!

Let's hope the Mayan calandar is wrong. If not . . . 2011 becomes the best year ever.

Anthony Rapino said...

I like the optimism! That's the way to approach it, Cate. We can't forget all the blessings we have each year. And 2012 will rock of course.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Erin

Mike, I've been a serious slacker. I know how much time I've had to write and I know how much time of it I've wasted and trust me it equals hours upon hours.

Ah, those delightful Mayans were as lazy as me, Bobbie. If only they'd finished their darn calendar.

I am a bundle of optimism, Tony

Lee Thompson/Thomas Morgan/James Logan/Julian Vaughn said...

Lol. You crack me up. Congrats on the successes you've earned, chica. Wishing you many more!

Anonymous said...

Well this year i discovered your writing and it's been all the better for it. 'Nowhere Hall' was one of my favorites of 2011 :)You have achieved a great deal and collected a number of fans on the way and im sure 2012 will be good to you.

Danielle Birch said...

I agree, we can be our own worst enemies. Two books out and an improved writing space - goals kicked right there :)

Lyn said...

Having your story in our WMSS antho was a highlight for me in 2011. Dang, just getting that think published was a success given how long I took to edit it, lol. So you helped make my year. Thanks for your work and best wishes in 2012.

Lyn said...

haha think - I meant thing and I'm an editor ;)

Cate Gardner said...

Ha! Thanks, Lee

I love you, Richard :D

Ah, but two of this years books were written in previous years, Danielle. See, I need my ass kicking.

Aw thanks, Lyn and you totally produced a fantastic anthology.

Katey said...

Yeah, the years do their own kind of awesome, and sometimes I think they don't bother to ask us just HOW they get the title. I like to pretend I have no control, but the truth is that they do what we tell them!

... unlike our characters.

Wait, no, I mean, I am in COMPLETE CONTROL.

You're awesome, Cate. It's a two book year no matter how you look at it, I figure, and we're lucky for it.

Cate Gardner said...

We're both in complete control, Katey

Unknown said...

Well, considering the stories I've read from you this year, I'd dare say 2011 was a banner year with 2012 likely to be even better.

But, if we must cudgel ourselves--and each other--I'll go put some oranges in a pillow case. Be right back.

Simon Kewin said...

Seems to me you've had a fantastic year ... and 2012 will be even better, I'm sure.

Cate Gardner said...

Ouch, Gef

We live in hope, Simon