Wednesday 16 November 2011

That Wednesday Thing

It's Wednesday.

There is work and there is progress.

Thus, this is my first Wednesday WIP post in (cue melodrama) forever. Back on the horse, in the saddle, leaping over the smelly corpse of my writer's block. As I said in 'this post' I knew the writing funk wouldn't last. I think that's the first time I've been blocked and not in the 'I can't think of any ideas' sense (there were still plenty of those) but I didn't seem to know how to construct a story (sarcastic comments appreciated and forgive my urge to pull tongues at you). A bit like forgetting how to tie your shoelaces. Odd. Probably a bit of the blues, but I've shaken them off with a healthy dose of singing far too loudly to the new Steps album and riding a sugar rush of leftover Halloween candy. So what was I doing before I blogged here...

Oh yes, writing.*

*If anyone yells 'twittering' you may be right. Oops!


Simon said...

Glad the juices are flowing again Cate!

(Word verification: ptiater. Hmm.)

Simon Kewin said...

Yay! Glad you're riding the range once more. Steps? Really? My oh my.

Deborah Walker said...

Hoorah for being back, Cate.

Doug Murano said...

Just went through a patch of this myself--like vapor lock of the brain, seasoned with a little voice that kept telling me I was a fraud who never knew how to put a story together in the first place. The only reliable cure I've ever found has been to keep kicking--and a firm deadline imposed by a third party never hurts, either. Anyhow, glad to hear you're back at it.

Cate Gardner said...

Cheers, Simon

I know, Simon K. I have awful taste.

Cheers, Deborah

Glad you're through it too, Doug

Ray said...

I'm in the same place now, a little (more a visitor's pass I hope). I think it's because I've got a couple of stories that MUST be done instead of me actually wanting to do them. I used to want to, but... Must be like that wall runners talk about.

Cate Gardner said...

Noooooo Ray, you must get back to it right now. :D