Tuesday 18 October 2011

At the Crossroads

Well I needed an excuse to post because I've been awfully lax of late and visiting the Delirium Books website gave me an excuse to. The full cover (ie including the back) is now on the website and it's perfect and gorgeous and perfect and here it is...

...how beautiful is that back cover? 

And you can read an excerpt on the Delirium Books/Dark Fuse page for Barbed Wire Hearts.

Did I say it is beautiful?


Anthony Rapino said...

Gorgeous! Wow, really well done cover. :-)

Aaron Polson said...

Lovely, Cate. I almost (almost) like the back cover more than the front.

E. Arroyo said...


Simon said...

Oh yes. There will be squeeage.

Nice, gorgeous and stunning. Congrats Cate :)

Cate Gardner said...

It is sooooooooo beautiful, Anthony

Me too. I'm torn, Aaron.

:D Elizabeth

Thanks, Simon

Deborah Walker said...

That's so classy. Bravo.

Unknown said...

That looks incredible. Kudos to you and the cover artist.

Katey said...

So, so beautiful. And even better than that, it's beautiful AND evokes what's in the pages -- well, as much as an artist could. <3

K. Allen Wood said...

And it shall be mine!

I hope everyone checks out both November releases, because James Newman is an amazing writer as well. =)

widdershins said...

Very, 'Beware! Dangerous woods'-ish ... nuce.

widdershins said...

Oops... that should read ... 'nice'

pesky vowels!

Simon Kewin said...

Gorgeous and perfect indeed.

K.C. Shaw said...

Oh, wow! That is just gorgeous!

Doug Murano said...

Very cool--congrats!

Cate Gardner said...

It appears I did not reply to anyone here in DAYS!!! I have reprimanded myself for rudeness...

(Oh my poor neglected blog)

So, thanks to everyone and...

I thought so too, Katey

Danielle Birch said...

Indeed, a gorgeous cover.