Saturday 4 June 2011

An Electronic Goodnight

I've fallen out of love with my kindle.

I still appreciate it's good points, such as...

Reading it in bed. The kindle light (attached to it's fancy cover) means I can switch off the overhead light, so that when I'm feeling sleepy, I can put the kindle down and go to sleep, whereas before I had to get up and switch the bedroom light off and then I'd be awake again. I find it difficult to get to sleep.

It weighs the same no matter the size of the book making it ideal for my handbag. Although (because of the cover) a paperback is generally less trouble to carry.

And that is all. Maybe, I'm a bit thick (you don't say), but when I'm first reading a book I find myself turning to re-read the blurb about a dozen times. I swear no information stays in my brain for long, or I stop and stare at the cover, and I can't do that with the kindle. The book I'm currently reading on my kindle is.... Well, I can't say, because I've forgotten the title. It's one I downloaded on a whim and I can't remember what it's about and quite frankly, the text isn't helping the cause. I can't even figure out who the MC is with all the headhopping. No, that's not going to happen with every book, but still...

I much prefer paperbacks and hardbacks. When my kindle dies I may not replace it.

In other news, the fabulous Richard Baron left an awesome review of Strange Men on the Amazon UK site, and Gef Fox left one on the Amazon US site. Both on the paperback version. Because paperbacks rule.


Tony said...

Thank God I'm not the only one!

I feel the same way, Cate. It's a cool little device, but I'm also a "flip to the cover" sort of guy. And I also I like flipping a few pages back to check this or that.

I know I'm probably missing something quite obvious, but skipping to particular pages seems very hard with the Kindle.

The Kindle is great for waiting rooms though. I don;t have to decided what book to take with me, and it's small.

Otherwise, I like my paperbacks and hardcovers.

Cate Gardner said...

YES!!!! I do that flipping back a few pages to check stuff thing. It's more annoying to do so on the kindle.

Kelly Hashway said...

I have a Kindle and I really enjoy it, but I still read more print books. I keep worrying about breaking my Kindle so I don't take it anywhere. It stays by my bed and I only use it at night. I'll bring print books with me anywhere.

Michael Stone said...

I've not been tempted to get an ereader for the reason you and Tony give. I love books, not for the stories alone but for their tactile qualities, their covers and individuality. I like to flip back and forth, read the blurbs, check the cover, read the author's bio, then stare at the cover some more...

Sage Ravenwood said...

I don't have a Kindle (although books are far cheaper from Amazon). My daughter got me a Nook last Christmas. I've only just really started using it and downloading books.

Still...there is that part of me that feels cheated, without a constant view of the cover. There is almost an artristry of turning pages delicately and handling a book with care; feeling the pages between your fingers.

Books are not simply words, theyre the entire packaging - Cover, blurb, author photo, etc. All of it brings something more to our worlds. (Hugs)Indigo

Anonymous said...

I've got this cool eBook on Gizmo, something about "Strange Men"...

Have you checked out lendling yet? There are a few sites online where you can sign up to borrow/lend eBooks via Kindle. I'm all about FREE stuff.

Cate Gardner said...

As someone who breaks things all the time, this worries me too, Kelly.

And I shall never persuade you to buy one, Mike (I hope).

They are, Indigo

Ha! Thanks, Milo. I have so many books to read that I'm staying far away from borrowing more books. :D

Simon Kewin said...

Gaagh! I've just got one! I take your point. There are definitely pros and cons about these devices. What bugs me is that it doesn't have the cover of the book I'm currently reading there on the screen, but rather one of the random built-in images. Why couldn't they have sorted that out?

Fox Lee said...

I want to get a Kindle some day, but I like paper/hard cover much better.

Danielle Birch said...

I prefer paperbacks/hardcovers. Have vowed never to buy a Kindle.

Katey said...

The devil on your shoulder is whispering one word, Cate: iPad.

Because then, when the book is lame, you can just switch over to Plants vs. Zombies and/or browse the web and/or read comics.

But no, I seriously agree. Some books, I prefer on an ereader. Books I just want to read. Not to collect.

Books I love, there's just no replacing them.

Cate Gardner said...

Simon, I suspect the ebooks of the future will be far prettier and people's complaints will be ironed out, but... I'm in no rush to fall back in love with it.

Me too, Natalie

I'd kill for an iPad although I doubt I'd read many books on it. :D

C. K. Kelly Martin said...

I've read a grand total of one book on my husband's ereader just to try it out (and because I was going to see the writer speak and there were too many holds on her book at the library) but I already knew I wasn't a fan of ebooks, for the same reasons you list here. It's just not the same. For me, it's sort of like drinking caffeine free Coke - it's missing the kick.

Cate Gardner said...

It really isn't, CK :D