Wednesday 11 May 2011

WIP Wednesday - Here There Be Things

It's the eleventh day of the month and I'm kind of 8 short stories in so I'm almost on track for Short Story Month, considering I said I'd write about 26 stories* (double ha!). Although most of the stories have flash length word counts, they are also full of notes in the margins about what needs or doesn't need to happen so they should be actual short story length after they've been rewritten and edited (that should be fun) and one story actually ends with This Happens/That Happens/Then they do this/Then some of that/And They Live Happily Ever After (which they don't) because writing it had dragged on for two days and I didn't have time to mollycoddle the idea.

I don't think I like Short Story Month.

I don't think Short Story Month likes me.

I like mollycoddling ideas.

Things found in the below: Spacewomen, Laundry, Orange Lollipops, Spaceship Skies, Mother Nature, Squally Clouds, Loneliness, Hope, Bangles, Teased Hair, Record Player, Drip, Synthetic Hearts (enough with the hearts already), White Vans and Madonna.

Short Story Month tally: (Titles subject to change)

1. Blow a Whistle, I'm done (1876 words)
2. The Lies Moths Tell (1199 words)
3. The Handiwork of Commerce (1303 words)
4. Dreams of a Ragged Doll (929 words)
5. Tethered Rain Clouds (636 words)
6. Beneath Ceiling Dust and Skin (742 words)
7. 1986 (794 words)
8. The Spaceman's Halo (12 words - ha! - just started)

*we're reviewing the situation.


Anonymous said...

Hey, you're already halfway toward getting caught up with Write1Sub1! =] Never too late to join...

Cate Gardner said...

I don't think I could take the street, Milo ;)

Conor said...

For whatever reason I find short story month much more difficult than novel writing month. I don't know why, seeing as that short story month has the possibility of being so much less demanding. My short form needs work I suppose. Good luck with your goals for the month! Hope you meet and surpass them!

Cate Gardner said...

I'm finding short story month harder too, Conor. I think it's the constantly having to start anew every day where as in NaNoWriMo it's just a continuation of the same.

Dr Vollin said...

Just the idea of 'Short story month' makes me want to hide in a shoe box. I am amazed by peoples output as I normally find i have to shave my face between pages. Oh, and great titles Cate.

Katey said...

I'm horrified of white vans.

Also, of the concept of short story month. You are a brave soldier, Cate. Brave and brilliant and stuff.

K.C. Shaw said...

You're doing great! Eight stories is fantastic, and I am jealous.

Aaron Polson said...

If you and short story month come to blows, I know a good mediator.

Simon said...

Wish I could be that productive with short stories! I've been so focused on longer work the last couple of years it takes real effort a lot of the time to write at short length. I miss it. But I console myself with the thought of huge amounts of Cateness being written instead. So there's a lot of win.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Richard.

Simon said...

I actually find it more difficult to write short stories now, Cate, for the exact reasons you mention- i.e. having to start something new each time instead of carrying something on- I've been focused on writing novels (or trying to write them) for sufficient time that it's really hard to shift focus to something that can be done comparatively quickly. :( On the other hand, lots more Cate stories can only be a good thing! :D

Cate Gardner said...

I'm itching to write something longer, Simon