Monday 2 May 2011

Short Story Month: No Editing Here

May is short story month. You possibly already know that. And some mad folk are participating in 'A Story a Day in May'. When I first read about the project on Deborah Walker's blog, I happily told Deborah she was insane (and she is of course). I mean, a story a day... Good grief.

Then I decided to play along. Sort of...

I have no illusions of writing 31 stories in 31 days. Insanity. For one, I have family day once a week when we all get together and play games with and amuse the kiddies and I'm often found skipping around the garden or attempting to hula-hoop. I can't hula-hoop anymore (which I don't understand, because now I have hips for the hoop to catch on), but I can still skip. So I'm aiming for 26 stories. If I get half that, I'll be happy. Heck if I write four I might hold a party.

So, striking yesterday off the balance sheet because it was family day and said family turned up at 10:30 a.m. and left me flapping (quick change from pjs to awesomness - ahem), I began short story month today and have a completed first draft...

1. Blow a Whistle, I'm Done (1876 words)

Oh, and I'm only aiming for first drafts in May. No editing here.


Aaron Polson said...

Wow. I thought Write 1 / Sub 1 was madness.


Cate Gardner said...

Ah, but you have to edit and sub. I'll probably still be editing the mess I create at the end of the year and beyond.

Deborah Walker said...

26 stories would be awesome, Cate. Good luck.

Story-a-day, so far so good. But apparently, according to the plan, I've got to write a story for Redstone SF, tomorrow -- yikes.

Cate Gardner said...

You can do it!!! :D

Simon Kewin said...

Write1Sub1 is madness Aaron. We never claimed otherwise!

Best of luck with this Cate : I did it last year and it is possible - although, yep, a draft or even an outline had to do for some days. Then there's Twitter fiction ...

Michael Stone said...

This is the sort of thing that sounds so awesome I find myself contemplating joining in the fun. I just know I'd be hopeless at it though. I'd stress over all the rough edges!

Hope you have fun.

K.C. Shaw said...

Oh man, if I could rouse myself to write one single story in May I'd be happy. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

First drafts are fun. Happy writing!

Anonymous said...

Well done, Cate. You go, girl. But I have to ask... Will you still be winking at us from the W1S1 sidelines by year's end?

Katey said...

Well, this is good news for your readers! (Hey, you might go nuts, but I'm selfish enough to be happy... or something.)

No, seriously, godspeed, as Aaron says. This will be amazing.

Fox Lee said...

There isn't enough coffee to make me write a story a day ; )

Kara McElhinny said...

I think if anyone can do it, Cate, you would be able to. Good luck to you!!

Mary Rajotte said...

I can't even solidify a rough outline in a day :)

I will try for 1 a week though.

Good luck! If anyone can do it it's you. Or that Polson dude.

Tony said...

Yeah...*one* story would be a huge success for me.

Cate Gardner said...

Twitter fiction... I fear an evil plan is afoot, Simon.

I am happily writing nonsense, Mike. (Usual day at the office)

Then rouse thyself, Kate

I'm already winking, Milo

Heck, I was nuts before I started, Katey

That makes me sad, Natalie

At last, I have someone fooled. Kara ;)

YES, Mary :D

After today's effort, I fear I might be a one and a half story girl, Tony