Sunday 1 May 2011

April was the month...

...where I crashed, burned and picked myself out of the wreckage (and bought new trays).

Monthly Word Count: 10,656 words
Yearly Word Count: 87,604 words
Best Day: 1,273 words
Worst Day: 43 words
Days Off: One (but I spent the day tidying my office so I kinda worked)
Acceptances: None
Rejections: A pathetic amount (must try harder)
Determination to Succeed: Back up to 95%

New Short Stories:-
Weird Beautiful Muse (1400 words)
Untitled (first draft - 1100 words)

Other Things:-
Finished editing 'Barbed Wire Hearts', attempted an edit of 'Kodak Dragons' (added another 1000+words and changed about 60% of it, but still need to work out a new ending and then start again), finally read through my collection of Black Static & Interzone mags (and then gave them away to spread the goodness)

Things found lurking in the pages of the above: Muses, Love, Mirrors, Worry Beads, Salty Popcorn, Bowler Hat, Toothbrush Moustache, Charles Chaplin, Pigtails, Bullet Holes in Library Walls, Paper Flowers.

Current WIPs: Untitled short story
Surprise of the Month: Watched the Royal Wedding
Last line of April 2011: She shattered.


K.C. Shaw said...

That's a perfectly healthy (even robust) wordcount! Here's to an even better May!

Marty said...

Actually... FAR more productive than most writers I know...(of course I really only know me...)

Aaron Polson said...

I need to give more magazines away. Okay, so I do take them to school and some of my students read them...

A very productive month, Cate.

Deborah Walker said...

I had a tea-party for the children and half-watched the Royal Wedding.

I was jealous of Mum and Dad
who went into town to see the real thing, that sounded like crushing fun.

Kara McElhinny said...

I enjoy a good bullet hole in the Library Wall as well -- hmm, there's something to ponder, now...

Nicely done on the word count, good luck with the edits!!

Happy writing, Cate

(just for a giggle, my 'spam word' I have to type in is, coodynet...I always thought you needed a shot for those -- the things they come up with nowadays)

Cate Gardner said...

Here's to an even better May indeed, Kate

Ha, Marty

Taking them to school seems like a good plan, Aaron

With cucumber sandwiches, Deborah? :D

Ooh, is that a spark of inspiration, Kara. :D

Simon Kewin said...

A most constructive month I'd say! May May shine even brighter.