Sunday 9 January 2011

Eccentric New Talent on This Block

There's a new talent in town. The author is eccentric, has a unique and stylish fashion sense, is a mini-diva, owns the stage and has freckles. I'd like to say she's just like her aunt, but I don't have freckles. ;)

Let me introduce to the world, five-year-old Amy Gardner's first book - Aladin - a piece of fan fiction.

And she did it all by herself with no prompting, as evidenced in her own words: "Mummy thought I was just drawing things but I was making a book." And she gave it to ME... Sorry, I know your books are all precious and I do keep them behind glass once I've read them, but this is my favourite book of all.


Michael Stone said...

What an awesome gift, and such an honour. A limited edition, 1 of 1. Is it signed, too?

Cate Gardner said...

Not signed unfortunately... I'll have to force a crayon into her hand next weekend.

Anonymous said...

That's so sweet. :-)

Thank you muchly for the linkage, Cate! I will return the kindness soon.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Louise.

Anthony Rapino said...

Awesome :-)

K.C. Shaw said...

Adorable! Obviously you're not the only talent in your family.

(I like your blog's new look, incidentally. I liked the old look too, but this seems a bit more readable.)

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Anthony.

Thanks, Kate. And yep, that's what I was worried about with the old blog.

Simon said...

Aw bless. Clearly following in aunty's footsteps. The new blog's nice... but where's the sparklies?!

Tuonela said...

Brilliant! You should hire her as an illustrator. Redefines the concept of "precious object", doesn't it?

Cate Gardner said...

What? You didn't get showered with glitter when you visited, Simon. You must have pressed the wrong button.

It does, Ian.

Fox Lee said...

I'm sure it's not the kind of fan fiction I'm thinking of ; )

Lee Thompson/Thomas Morgan/James Logan/Julian Vaughn said...

How cute! And an intriguing tale from what I read! Looks like a good editor too. Nice!

Rich said...

The girl can draw! Nice gift, and a definite opportunity for you to be 'that aunt, who gets out that book' when the boyfriends round :)

Cate Gardner said...

I hope not, Natalie.

The edits made me smile, Lee. She's on her way.

Oh, I'd never do that, Rich.

Aaron Polson said...

Beautiful, Cate. Hold on to that.

Robert said...

I certainly hope you had her expressed written permission to reprint portions of her book. Or less you're violating that poor girl's copyright! :-)

wv: munstai

Cate Gardner said...

I will, Aaron.

Poor girl. Poor! She fleeces me of every penny I have every weekend, Robert. Erm, I mean...Of course.

Andrea Allison said...

That's so cute. :)