Monday 23 August 2010

We're not in Nevada (or Ohio) anymore

I'm so jealous of everyone who'll be meeting up at Context and Killercon, which I believe are both taking place later this week. If I'm right and they are on at the same time, then quite frankly that seems bonkers. I think the organisers of both need to get together and set up shop somewhere inbetween, like say Kansas. Because Kansas has good people. ;)

For a millisecond (okay, maybe slightly longer) this weekend I considered going to one of the above cons next year especially if the pretty people I know and love also happened to be going. I would need to have a chat with my bank balance - I find adding noughts to the end helps. Of course, if I did buy a ticket about five seconds later I'd totally freak out. Me + big crowd + people I've never met before + people I'm in awe of = trip over tongue and feet fail. I would so wander the halls looking like the proverbial rabbit-caught-in-headlights. Of course I could always kidnap Mike Stone* and make him come with me. But that's evil... Oh wait a minute, I like being evil...

I actually met up with one of my online friends last week. Simon Bestwick emailed to say he was going to be in my home town on Friday for Conrad Williams' book signing and would I like to meet for a cup of tea. Simon can attest to the rabbit-in-headlights look.

*I would never kidnap Mike Stone... I'd just lay a trail of Cadbury's chocolate for him to follow (I'm assured it will work).


Barry Napier said...

I ave decided I will also attend at least one con next year, come hell or high water. Maybe we'll both show up at the same'll know me right away because I will be hiding in a corner, biting at my nails...

Cate Gardner said...

We'd never find each other. I'd be in the other corner, under the table.

Jeremy D Brooks said...

I am a total social misfit...come on out to KillerCon next year and we can share awkward silences!

Katey said...

I went to grad school in Columbus, and that's all that is soothing my intense nerves just now about Context.

"Me + big crowd + people I've never met before + people I'm in awe of = trip over tongue and feet fail."

Me too. Although I find I'm sort of okay once I get there (or at least, I am a fairly capable actor--knew that whole being raised in a theater thing would come in useful), I will probably be sick to my stomach this whole week before :/

I'll be packing lots of whiskey, I mean to say. Next year, you should come share it with me!

Fox Lee said...

But do you really want to see me drunk and hitting on Japanese waiters? ; )

Cate Gardner said...

Jeremy, Does Vegas do awkward silences?

You are so brave, Katey. Don't forget to pack your camera.

Natalie, only if I can do the same.

Aaron Polson said...

I'm afraid of this "Kansas" place. I hear the weather is rather "volatile" and the inhabitants rather strange. Just what I've heard.

Cate Gardner said...

Sounds like the perfect place for a horror con.

Anonymous said...

Come to KillerCon next year! I know how to make a quick getaway.


K.C. Shaw said...

Hey, if I could manage DragonCon last year all by myself, you could definitely manage a con. DragonCon had over 40,000 people visiting EACH DAY--OMG, more people than I've ever seen together in my whole life--and I did not actually die or have to hide under a table.

If you're coming to a con next year, I'll totally manage to make it too. I would love to meet up with some of my online friends! There's strength in numbers.

Brendan said...

I'd just end up inadvertently insulting someone important.

Probably best I stay home.

Or, wear a nametag reading "Barry Napier."

Anonymous said...

I'm the guy who would be too quiet, until I started drinking. Then I'm the guy who doesn't shut up and sets things on fire.

Wait a minute. Maybe I should go to Vegas.

Simon said...

You looked like a very cool, glamorous rabbit caught in the glow of non-regulation, sparkly-pink headlights. :D

Conventions aren't scary, they're a lot of fun. Mainly because nearly everyone there's an author, and no matter how successful, just as much of a basketcase as you. ;-)

Just take a deep breath and go for it!

Simon said...

Oh- the basketcase remark was about authors in general (me included!) not Cate in specific! Open mouth, insert foot, close mouth.

Cate Gardner said...

Good to know, Mercedes.

Kate, we need a posse.

Ha, Brendan. Sounds like a plan.

Yeah, yeah, I believe you Mr Freudian Slip.