Thursday 17 June 2010


I need a hit man (and boy am I concerned how people will find my blog now). My inner voice has gone all whiny this week...

A pretty (size below) skirt and a top that has been hanging in my wardrobe forever helped me fight it off today, but I fear with my birthday looming this weekend, I'm going to need a professional to sort Miss I. Voice out.

Still, at least she's not busy telling me my writing sucks this week. Although, she is letting me plot for a lot longer than I should. Time to put on my cape and take out my trusty fountain pen. En garde!


Anthony Rapino said...

Hey, happy (soon-ish) birthday! If you figure out any foolproof methods to quieting the voice, let me know. :-D

Aaron Polson said...

Oooo...happy birthday (a little early). Those inner voices are such pesky little wankers.

Cate Gardner said...

Anthony, will do.

Thanks, Aaron.

Andrea Allison said...

Inner voices just never know when to butt out. Happy early birthday!

Rabid Fox said...

Happy Birthday. And tell the inner voices that they're not invited. :)

Cate Gardner said...

Amen, Andrea.

Will do, Gef.

Kara McElhinny said...

Well, happy birthday to you!!! (mines on Wednesday, I didn't even hear that little bitch sneak up on me this year...)

Your outfit is quite fancy tho, with the Shirt, cape and skirt... sounds to me like a fabulous writing outfit!

Alan W. Davidson said...

That voice should quit telling you that writing sucks! Oh, and happy birthday this weekend.

Danielle Birch said...

Happy Birthday, Cate, I hope you have a great weekend!

Fox Lee said...

I fucking love that movie : )

K.C. Shaw said...

I now have a delightful mental image of you vanquishing words while wearing a cape. Green, of course, to go with the ink in your pen. :) Keep that inner voice at bay! (And happy early birthday.)

BT said...

Did I miss something - size below what? Or should that be where?

Still, the thought of a beautiful woman in skirt and cape (other clothing optional) fighting the good fight with chosen weapon in hand is all I need to brighten my day and send me smiling into a weary afternoon of boring work.

And as there is nothing surer that I'll forget on the appropriate day, a very happy early birthday to you - have a drink on me. (Honestly, next time I'm in Liverpool, I'm good for it)

Katey said...

Hehehehe Seymour!

Happy early birthday-- I guess it's Sunday, right? Well, the cape won't fail you, I'm sure.

Cate Gardner said...

Happy Birthday to you too, Kara.

Thank you for the birthday wishes Alan & Danielle.

Me too, Natalie.

Always green, Kate. :D

Brenton, you missed my 'I dropped a dress size' post... Naughty you. :D

Sunday indeed, though I believe I have competition for the day. Thanks, Katey.

Simon said...

Happy birthday for Sunday, Cate, and have a great time. Good luck with the inner voices and dress sizes. I can relate. To trying not to eat huge quantities of certain foods, that is. Me and dresses don't go together. Not since that time... ahem.

Anonymous said...

I hope your birthday is wonderfully amazing when it comes around! You deserve it.:)
