Monday 14 June 2010

Five Fingers

I almost sold one of my books yesterday. If I'd decided to take the buyer up on the offer, I probably would have sold The Poisoned Apple which was relegated to the Cupboard of Doom some time ago. But, I thought it unfair to unleash zombies on the purchaser, despite their method of payment. Plus, one day I might resurrect (ouch - pun) my Dead Feet and have them shuffle through a different plot.

When I told my seven-year-old cousin, Ben, that I hadn't sold any books yet because no one wanted to buy them, he offered me... Well I think it was five pounds, or perhaps five pennies, but as he counted five fingers and said, 'he'd give me five for a book', I figured he meant digits and decided the price was too high.... At the moment.


Jeremy D Brooks said...

Get it in writing...once he's old enough to hire an attorney, you'll never see it. ;-)

Kara McElhinny said...

How flippin cute is that? :D (I have a 7yr old Ben myself so it always pulls on my heartstrings)

Aaron Polson said...

What a delightful little scallywag. He knows you're going to be famous and wants in on the ground floor.

Fox Lee said...

Children are always so vague when it comes to negotations ; )

Katey said...

Hahaha I love this kid.

I told my best friend what a token payment was once, and she was like "What the hell, I'll give you $20. Write a story about me and Noel Gallagher and a vat of chocolate pudding!"

I said until she picked a prettier rockstar, no deal. Sometimes, Cate, we have to be tough.

(Might've taken her up on it if she'd offered fingers, though.)

K.C. Shaw said...

Maybe he meant he'd give you a hand for it. In which case, either you'd get a well-deserved round of applause, or you'd have a third hand to type even faster. Win-win!

Tyhitia Green said...

LOL. Cute and sweet. :-D He knows talent. ;-)

Cate Gardner said...

I'm still :D, Jamie.

Jeremy, if he tries to stiff me, I'll eat all his sweets.

Kara, I know :D

Aaron, I hope he's psychic. ;)

Natalie, it probably would have turned out to be five boogers.

Katey, no one should settle for a Gallagher.

Kate, at least he didn't offer me one finger.

Ha, thanks Tythia

Andrea Allison said...

That's too cute though I was always advised to never do business with family. ;)

Brendan P. Myers said...

Hilarious. Made me smile. Thanks.

Barry Napier said...

hey, a sale is a sale...

Cate Gardner said...

Good point, Andrea.

:D Brendan.

Very true, Barry.

Katey said...

Not gonna lie, I'd still settle for Liam. It'll always be 1995 in my head :/

Cate Gardner said...

That leaves all the pretty boys for me. :D

Anthony Rapino said...

In your shoes, I would have--ala Pavlov's dogs--uncontrollably given a high-five. At which point he would have undoubtedly taken it as a deal being struck and payment all in one.

Hence why I keep my hands in pocket. They get me in trouble.
