Wednesday 10 March 2010

WIP Wednesday - Campaign for Real Fear

Christopher Fowler and Maura McHugh are teaming up with Black Static magazine and Action Audio and running a 500 word story competition for their Campaign for Real Fear.

The ten winning stories will be published in Black Static magazine and then broadcast on Action Audio. The closing date is April 16th.

Full details can be found here.

I'm working on my entry today, hence the WIP Wednesday deal. I'm also working on something else, but I'm not going to tell you what it is because I have my evil head* on.

*side note: evil head is prettier than normal head.


Jamie Eyberg said...

Have fun with that. Sounds exciting. And as a side note, is your evil head a screw on variety or does it just pop in place?

Aaron Polson said...

I thought perhaps the evil head was an insert tab a into slot b variety. Now I've added something to the to-do list.

Cate Gardner said...

Jamie, it pops into place except...

Aaron, on the days I'm made from paper.

Kara McElhinny said...

Good luck Cate! And thanks for the info!! It sounds like it's going to be a blast. :D

Happy writing!

Katey said...

I'm going to pout now. I want to see the evil head!

Mmm that Real Fear thing sounds delicious. I'd like to pretend I could come up with something for it.

Fox Lee said...

I'll bet the evil head wears really dark mascara.

Andrea Allison said...

Wait a minute. Evil head isn't a one of a kind rare object that one has to pay buku bucks for? Well that's what I get for answering an ad on craigslist.

Thanks for the heads up on the contest. Wishing you tons of luck though I doubt you need it. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Cate! Without your post I would have never known about this contest. I just sent my entry in. It will be staring down your entry with evil unblinking eyes.

Paula Ray said...

Thanks for the tip, Cate. Sounds like fun!

Cate Gardner said...

Hinny, hope you write something diabolical for it.

Katey, I imagine you can.

Natalie, it does.

Andrea, oh yours is probably better - mine is constructed from newspapers and chewing gum.

Good Luck, Kurt and, on behalf of my entry, shudder.

Good Luck, Paula.

Barry Napier said...

I certainly hope you are having better luck with yours than I am with mine...the story that is, not the evil head...

Rich said...

Yeah, I read about this a few days ago. I've really been trying to assess what 'scares' me in the modern world.

It is kinda tough, maybe the fact that little scares us these days, is scary

Good luck


Cate Gardner said...

Barry, the story for this flowed - everything else however, stuck, stuck, stuck.

Good luck, Rich.