Tuesday 23 March 2010

A Refresh(ing) Change

Why do I leave notes for myself, when it's blatantly clear I intend to ignore them?

I'm almost cured of refreshing that beast 'twitter'. However, she has been replaced by that whore, 'ebay'.

Inbetween bouts of insanity I'm still working on my short story (The Ink of the Butterfly Girl), which is a sequel (originally it was a prequel - huh!) to my Shock Totem competition entry. Speaking of which, we get our critiques today. Me, I'm not nervous. I have too much chocolate inside me to be nervous. I am a little hyper though. Oops...

Refresh... Refresh... Refresh...


Kara McElhinny said...

I'm sure your comments will be great cate!

LOL, I leave notes for myself with all intentions TO read/do them and then I lose them, so you're doing WAY better than I am. :D

Good luck with the whore. I'm sure you'll conquer her eventually!

Happy writing

Aaron Polson said...

I have some great butterfly footage I need to upload...we went to the "Butterfly House" in St. Louis over spring break. Magical, that.


Fox Lee said...

I love twitter. I run Show's tweets through google translate, which is an exercise in futility but makes them sound like surreal haiku.

Andrea Allison said...

It's not nice to call websites nasty names. Didn't your momma teach you that?

I never leave myself notes. No point in wasting the Post-Its.

Katey said...

Not that I wish you any difficulties, but I'm glad I'm not the only one who leaves myself notes for the sole apparent purpose of disobeying them.

Cate Gardner said...

Hinny, I believe she'll conquer me.

Aaron, are you going to upload it to You Tube? If so, send me the link. Please. :D

Natalie, I still love twitter but she doesn't own me. :D

Andrea, I apologise. :D

Katey, we're rebels at heart.

Jamie Eyberg said...

I hope ebay gives good back rubs when done with you. :)good luck with the story.

Cate Gardner said...

Jamie, the cash will do. :D

Tyhitia Green said...

That's excatly why I don't have Twitter yet. LOL. Good luck with the contest and feedback. I'm sure you did an awesome job.

Anthony Rapino said...

Good luck with the crits, I'm sure they'll be a great help. As for twitter, I've whittled it down to a once or twice a week habit. :-P

Cate Gardner said...

Tythia, yes I suggest you stay far, far away from it.

Onipar, I've whittled it down to a once or twice an hour habit. ;)

Shadow said...

Yea we tend to swap one poison for another. Are you looking or selling on ebay?

I try not to leave myself notes, because well, I don't look at them. I forget. Making myself notes would be counterproductive.