Monday 25 January 2010

Shock Totem's Writing Contest

Shock Totem are running a writing contest and fools that they are they've put the awesome Mercedes M Yardley in charge. For a full list of the rules check Mercedes' blog or the Shock Totem website. It's a delicious the entrants choose the winner deal. You know you want to play.

Time to fire up the laptop.


Doug Murano said...

Might have to give it a try. Thanks for the heads up!

Cate Gardner said...

There is no might in these here woods... :D

Brendan P. Myers said...

I've been meaning to send these guys something. Sounds like a perfect excuse! Thanks for the heads-up.

Rabid Fox said...

I'm not firing on all cylinders right now, but I'll give it a go regardless. Thanks for the heads up.

Aaron Polson said...

I really need to enter more contests. My muse hates being poked...

Cate Gardner said...

Brendan & Gef, good luck.

Aaron, I think this contest was made for you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Cate. We'll see what happens... My novel gets jealous.

Rich said...

I just joined up. I'd love to get in that mag and flash always keeps my writing tight!

Thanks for the tip.

Carrie Harris said...

Mercedes in charge? Ooooh. Dangerous. ;)

Cate Gardner said...

Jeremy, as much as I want everyone to play, I think you should stick to your novel and join us later - there's a comp every month.

Rich, I waved at you. :D

Carrie, she's insisting all entrants wear sparkly heels.