Friday 4 December 2009

If at first you don't succeed

At the beginning of the year, I compiled a list of markets I'd love to have stories accepted by but which I figured were impossible. That is so not the attitude. Nowhere is impossible, we just have to make sure we're good enough. The latter is a 2010 rule, as I kind of failed in 2009.

On the list of impossible places in 2009 were (and nope, no acceptances at time of going to press):

Weird Tales (subbed twice)
Sybil's Garage (didn't sub at all)
Fantasy Magazine (subbed eight times)
Fantasy and Science Fiction (subbed once)
Black Static (didn't sub)
Interzone (didn't sub)
Lone Star Stories (subbed four times, Eric closed the magazine so I wouldn't sub again - true story)

Beneath Ceaseless Skies (subbed four times - fabulous constructive criticism every time)
Clarkesworld (subbed 6 times - they make it too easy for us)
The New Yorker (didn't sub)
Asimov's (subbed twice)
Cemetery Dance (didn't sub)

Anyhow, I haven't yet compiled my list for next year but I do know that I will be adding at least one new market to my list of 'I so have to get a story accepted by...' And that is, Shock Totem. One: The first issue was fantastic. Two: They're pro pay. Three: I've grown rather fond of their forum.

Other newbie contenders for the list for 2010 are Brain Harvest and Lightspeed. Dream big little ones, dream big.


Jamie Eyberg said...

Good lists. Very good lists. Any writer would be thrilled to make it into any of them, and to those that have- congratulations.

Aaron Polson said...

Go Cate! What a list.

Tuonela said...

:) The little writer-engine who could.

Jeremy D Brooks said...

Good list...some of those rejections look familiar.

My goal is to write more shorts once I have a first draft of my novel done, which should be right around the end of the year. I'd love to get a ToC listing on some of those.

K.C. Shaw said...

Dream big! Those are awesome markets, and they deserve your awesome stories. :)

Fox Lee said...

Ah, Shock Totem. That's one of my brass rings as well.

Cate Gardner said...

Jamie, I lick the feet of those that have made it into several of those markets in the hope that some of their magic sticks to me.

Aaron, it is beautiful.

Ian, cute.

Jeremy, I am determined to receive at least one rejection letter from all of the above next year.

KC, I agree... Erm, sort of.

Natalie, let's hijack the magazine.

L.R. Bonehill said...

Black Static is right at the top of my list too - I need to have a dream, right?

I was close with Shock Totem... but not close enough obviously. See you there next year!

Katey said...

I should really take a cue from you and do this. It's so easy not to hold yourself accountable for subs sometimes-- good on ya!

Cate Gardner said...

LR, I'm expecting my rejection any day. In fact, typing the above should do it.

Katey, I was shocked to discover how unproductive I'd been.

Danielle Birch said...

Weird Tales is on my list too. Bring on 2010. You can do it.

K. Allen Wood said...

2010 has come early.