Now that I'm all organised, I'll be far more productive. Ahem! Possibly. There's a board dedicated to my WIP novel (which would be a WIP if I was actually working on it), and another dedicated to short stories, with details of the next four stories that I expect to write, and my old board is littered with anthology guidelines that I'll never get around to.
I guess I should write now. Or perhaps, organise the rest of my room. Or twitter. Or... Find food.

Now that is a beautiful thing, things!
Are the pictures character inspiration? You are impressively organized.
Thanks, Rebecca.
Jenn, they are. Though, although my boards are now organized, my mind remains in chaos.
Nice...that's a writer's space.
Or a procrastinator's dream.
I think I'll stick with my piles and piles o' notebooks. Because I would spend waaay too much time organizing a corkboard. Three corkboards would be the equivalent of falling into a time loop.
I admire your restraint.
Who mentioned restraint? I shall be organising the boards for at least the next six months.
Sweet Lord Ozma ... they're beautiful!
One room in my childhood home was covered in corkboard. I'd have too may flashbacks, but great Zeus, the organization I'd gain.
Aaron stole my're just one step away from an entire corkboard wall. Think of it as a giant sound dampener when you're screaming in frustration.
I had a cork wall in my last writing room. It was glorious, full of rejection letters (back when you actually sent out stories via post and got back physical replies). I miss those days. I wonder if I have space on my office wall for a bit of cork?
Woo Hoo! Multiple corkboards rock!
I've often thought of doing this, but I'm torn between it and my notebook.
Natalie, I keep blowing kisses at them.
Aaron, please give me directions. I may need to lock myself in that room next year.
Alan, the world will always hear my screams, I'm on twitter.
Jamie, you do.
Danielle, and it's all because of you.
John, I believe you can have both.
I love it! I might have to do it, as my own tiny corkboard has been covered with pictures of Romantic era composers for the last year, so I can't use it for anything else.
Corkboards are so awesome. Organized chaos!
Katey, I can't believe I existed with one paltry corkboard for so long. My life is now fulfilled.
Cate, your work area is so organized! Re: Wait a minute, I could have more than one? I realized the same thing when I discovered in my friend's freezer TWO flavors of ice cream (one her fave; the other, her husband's fave).
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