Wednesday 25 November 2009

WIP Wednesday - A Hint of Blue Sky

My laptop is switched on, there are words on the screen and up until a few minutes ago, I was writing - honest. I'm midway through a rewrite of Dead Sharp Tail (kind offer to allow me to fix the story and try again received this morning), I'm 900 words into the first draft of When Orange Lanterns Lit the World (a dystopian short), and panicking that I won't have any ideas/time to write something for 'Retro Spec' which will close to submissions in about a week. Cue palpitations.

And despite God forgetting to send the memo re the permanent change of the sky from blue to grey, there was a quick flash of sunlight from my inbox this afternoon. The Tangled Bank have accepted my short, The Sound of Sharp Voices, for their anthology. Nice.


Laura Eno said...

Congrats! You'll always have words. :)

Aaron Polson said...

Congrats! Will you please write titles for my next 10 stories?

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Laura.

Aaron, I love the new avatar picture. And here you go: Armour Plated Rooftops; The Conveyor Belt of Broken Machinery; Industrial Spy; Painting Elephants on Wonky Walls; Patchwork Visitors; The Clockwork Music Student; Scrap Metal Knee Caps; Viewed Through a Shot Glass; Discontinue Transmission; and There's a Goldfish in my Basement. You are obliged to use all of them within the next seven weeks or this blog will self-destruct.

Fox Lee said...

Congratulations! The Tangled Bank sounds like a really cool anthology : )

K.C. Shaw said...

Congrats on the sale! And I'm sure the rewrite will make your other story even more excellent. :)

Jamie Eyberg said...

What a sweet concept for an antho. I can only imagine what your story must entail. Congrats!

Danielle Birch said...

Congrats :)

Aaron Polson said...

Thanks Cate. I've copied and pasted and the wheels are already turning. ;)

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Natalie.

KC, Here's hoping.

Jamie, some sound stealing plants, an evil lodger and an annoying choir.

Thanks, Danielle.

Aaron, :D

Steven Pirie said...

Congratulations on the acceptance...

Rabid Fox said...

Congrats on the acceptance to the Tangled Bank.

Cate Gardner said...

Thank you :D

Katey said...

Oh congratulations! When you're done with Aaron's titles, would you mind taking on mine? :D

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Katey.